ネットフリックスを見ています私は「和食スタイルの原産地」という日本ショーを選んだ。このエピソードは餅の部分を映し、確かに良さそうだ。 I recently started watching other shows. Netflix has more anime than live action. I chose a live action show showcasing Japanese traditions. I’m not fluent yet, but I’m trying. I also love watching terrace house. Any suggestions on how I can try and get more shows to watch? I used to watch a Japanese show a few years back about a teacher and her struggles with teaching. I don’t remember the name but it was more simple slower Japanese and was recommended for that reason.
15 de fev de 2021 17:00
Correções · 1
I think you are talking about 「日本人の知らない日本語」Nihonjin no shiranai nihongo.
16 de fevereiro de 2021
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