Hell. I am really bad today. Today, I have a big exam which is a English class. This class’s teacher is really hard. I have to memorize 100 sentences in English. It was very hard for me. I cannot speak English if I memorize them… I cannot find the good way of studying. I need the Speaking skills to get the impression of the classes. I want to give up to study…. Have you had like the same situation? Did you have an experience? Please tell me how to solve.
15 de jun de 2021 01:51
Correções · 4
Hell. I am really bad today. Today, I have a big exam which is a English class. This class’s teacher is really hard. I have to memorize 100 sentences in English. It was very hard for me. I cannot speak English if I memorize them… I cannot find the good way of studying. I need the Speaking skills to get the impression of the classes. I want to give up to study…. Have you had like the same situation? Did you have an experience? Please tell me how to solve.
hi, bro can we grow together?
15 de junho de 2021
Hello. I am really bad today. Today, I have a big exam for an English class. This class is really hard. I have to memorize 100 sentences in English. It is very hard for me. I cannot speak English even when I memorize those sentences… I cannot find a good way to study. I need to improve my speaking skills. I want to give up studying. Have you ever been in the same situation? Please give me some advice.
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling so much! Don't worry too much, language learning is a slow process. As long as you are consistent, you will eventually see results!
15 de junho de 2021
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