Eliana Gaia Lucchetti
Hi! I'm Eliana and I'm an italian girl. I would improve my english for work. Who's ready for the challenge? :P
8 de abr de 2021 17:42
Comentários · 39
Hi Eliena we have the same goal to improve our English language, so I want to be a friend with u to improve our language
9 de abril de 2021
Hi Eliana Gaia luchhetti, 🙂 We can be great partners. Btw, you have an amazing horse. ❤️
9 de abril de 2021
Hey Eliana :) I am ready for the challenge! And I‘d love to practicing english together! Write me if you want. It would be nice to hear from you!
11 de abril de 2021
Hi, I can help you :)
10 de abril de 2021
Hello Eliana! Nice to meet you. I hope everything is fine. I'm Hilary let's practice. Currently I'm to learning English and I'm looking for a language friend to practice speaking. If you wish we can practice together and be friends 😊
9 de abril de 2021
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