Helloooo !

Where are you from ? :)

3 de jul de 2014 17:09
Comentários · 23

I am from Spain. Do you know this country?

3 de julho de 2014


5 de julho de 2014

I'm from the UK...or to give it its full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


I live on the outskirts of London, in a town called Uxbridge.

5 de julho de 2014

I'm from central Illinois, USA.  I have found that not many foreigners know where Illinois is, but they DO know where Chicago is.  (Chicago is in the northeast corner of Illinois.)  So, when someone asks, I usually just say I live about 300 kilometers southwest of Chicago.

4 de julho de 2014

I'm from Russia.))



Florine , France is cool. I'd like to visit it someday ^_^



4 de julho de 2014
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