Pedro Bernardo
What's the song of your life?

The song that reminds you good moments, good people and brings to you a good feeling.

At this moment, the song of my life is: Looking For Changes - Paul McCartney

And yours?

3 de mai de 2015 14:17
Comentários · 5

I have more than 1 song, but 1 of them is "Amazing Grace". Another one, which I heard on my church's radio station on the way home from church, was "How Great Thou Art". This song brought me out of a depressed feeling. I have a GREAT God!!!

4 de maio de 2015

Once a boy told me he liked me on the school bus at the first grade in junior high. However, I did not dare to talk with him at that time.

One year later, he wan the first prize of English song compitition in our school with the song "I Love You More Than I Can Say." Sitting under the stage, I imagined that he was singing it to me.

And, he was killed in a traffic accidect at the age of 29.

The song reminds me of something sad as well as something beautiful.

3 de maio de 2015

A little self-referential, but I've always liked this one... by Joe Raposo... even if it is a children's song from <em>Sesame Street</em>. I love the line "Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear."


<em>Sing, sing a song</em>
<em>Sing out loud</em>
<em>Sing out strong</em>
<em>Sing of good things not bad</em>
<em>Sing of happy not sad.</em>

<em>Sing, sing a song</em>
<em>Make it simple to last</em>
<em>Your whole life long</em>
<em>Don't worry that it's not</em>
<em>Good enough for anyone</em>
<em>Else to hear</em>
<em>Just sing, sing a song.</em>





3 de maio de 2015

Never Say Never - Justin Bieber feat. J Smith. Actually I don't listen Justin Bieber songs but exactly this song helps me to get my mood ready, espesially before competitions (I am aa basketballer) of other serious moments in my life. The words of the song are very encourging.

3 de maio de 2015

elioth smith ;; say hello 

3 de maio de 2015