It's about french language I have my private problem with studying: I can't learn anything by myself! I need a teacher and then I do it really good and fast. For example, I have a thick textbook for self-learning of french but it doesn't help. It lays and looks at me and nothing is happening... :) So I would be happy if someone help me to learn french language!
16 de out de 2013 19:54
Correções · 4

It's about French language

I have my private problem with studying: I can't learn anything by myself! I need a teacher and then I do it really good and fast. For example, I have a thick textbook for self-learning of French, but it doesn't help. It lays and looks at me and nothing is happening... :) So I would be happy if someone could help me to learn French language!

16 de outubro de 2013
Для изучения английского очень хорошо поможет Драгункин. Все книги читать не надо, достаточно "Прыжок в английский за 90 минут". Найти в инете легко. Также рекомендую поискать видео Полонейчика - у него собрано много нестандартных, но эффективных методик по изучению иностранных языков, а учиться самому по какому-то обычному учебнику - тяжело и неэффективно.
16 de outubro de 2013
Iren, Спасибо! :)
16 de outubro de 2013
Привет! Попробуй посмотреть хотя бы несколько этих видеоуроков. Уверена, тебе понравится!
16 de outubro de 2013
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