The night of the outskirts in Moscow(莫斯科郊外的晚上) Dear friends, I have translated an Russian song 《莫斯科郊外的晚上(The night of the outskirts in Moscow)》 into English, I believe there are a lot of mistakes in my translation, correct them for me please(only English department). Thanks! 深夜里花园四处静悄悄 只有风儿在静静唱 夜色多么好,心儿多爽朗 在这迷人的晚上 Everywhere is so silence in the garden at mid night, Only the wind is singing lightly. The views of the night are so beauty, my heart is so comfortable, How charming evening it is. 小河静静流微微泛波浪 水面映着银色月光 一阵清风,一阵歌声 多么幽静的晚上 The river is flowing slowly and in jublilation The water face is reflecting the silver moonlight Only the light wind, only the beautiful songs How silent night it is. 我的心上人坐在我身旁 默默看着我不做声 我想多你讲,但又难为情 多少话儿留在心上 My loving girl is sitting beside me She is looking at me devotedly I want to tell you, but feeling so self-conscious How many words are still in my heart 长夜快过去天色蒙蒙亮 衷心祝福你好姑娘 但愿从今后,你我永不忘 莫斯科郊外的晚上。 The night will be over and the day is coming Wish you happiness, my loving girl We will never forget each other from tonight The night of outskirts in Moscow
3 de fev de 2014 06:59
Correções · 7

The night of the outskirts in Moscow(莫斯科郊外的晚上)

Dear friends, I have translated an Russian song 《莫斯科郊外的晚上(The night of the outskirts in Moscow)》 into English, I believe there are a lot of mistakes in my translation, correct them for me please(only English department). Thanks!

  silence is everywhere in the garden at mid night,
Only the wind is singing lightly.
The views of the night are so beautyful, my heart is so comfortable,
Waht a charming evening it is.

The river is flowing slowly and in jublilation
The water face is reflecting the silver moonlight
Only the light wind, only the beautiful songs
What silent night it is.

My loving girl is sitting beside me
She is looking at me with devotion 
I want to tell you, but I feel so self-conscious
How many words are still in my heart

The night will be over and the day is coming
Wish you happiness, my loving girl
We will never forget each other from tonight
The night in the outskirts in Moscow

Do you know the English lyrics?

Stillness in the grove
Not a rustling sound
Softly shines the moon clear and bright
Dear, if you could know
How I treasure so
This most beautiful Moscow Night

Lazily the brook like a silvery stream
Ripples in the light of the moon
And a song afar fades as in a dream
In this night that will end too soon
Yes a song afar fades as in a dream
In this night that will end too soon

Dearest, why so sad, why the downcast eyes
And your lovely head bent so low
Oh, I mustn’t speak, though I’d love to say
That you’ve stolen my heart away

Promise me my love, as the dawn appears
And the darkness turns into light
That you’ll cherish dear, through the passing years
This most beautiful Moscow Night

Say you’ll cherish dear through the passing years
This most beautiful Moscow Night

7 de abril de 2014

The night of the outskirts in Moscow(莫斯科郊外的晚上)

Dear friends, I have translated an Russian song 《莫斯科郊外的晚上(The night of the outskirts in Moscow)》 into English, I believe there are a lot of mistakes in my translation, correct them for me please(only English department). Thanks!

Everywhere is so silent in the garden at midnight,
Only the wind is singing lightly.
The views of the night are so beautiful, my heart is so comfortable,
What a charming evening it is.

The river is flowing slowly and in jublilation
The water is reflecting the silver moonlight
Only the light wind, only the beautiful songs
What a silent night it is.

My loving girl is sitting beside me
She is looking at me devotedly
I want to tell you, but I'm feeling so self-conscious
How many words are still in my heart

The night will be over and the day is coming
Wish you happiness, my loving girl
We will never forget each other from tonight
The night of outskirts in Moscow

29 de agosto de 2014
Juni, thank you very much!
5 de fevereiro de 2014
<p> 我的心上人坐在我身旁<br /> 默默看着我不做声<br /> 我想多你讲,但又难为情<br /> 多少话儿留在心上<br /> My loving girl is sitting beside me<br /> She is looking at me devotedly<br /> I want to tell you, but <strike>feeling so self-conscious</strike> am embarrassed to<br /> How many words are still in my heart<br /> <br /> <br /> 长夜快过去天色蒙蒙亮<br /> 衷心祝福你好姑娘<br /> 但愿从今后,你我永不忘<br /> 莫斯科郊外的晚上。<br /> The night will be over and the day is coming<br /> <span style="color:#ff0000;">I </span>wish you happiness, my loving girl<br /> We will never forget each other from tonight<br /> The night of outskirts in Moscow<br /> &nbsp;</p>
4 de fevereiro de 2014
Great job on the translation. There were lot a lot of corrections... <p> 深夜里花园四处静悄悄<br /> 只有风儿在静静唱<br /> 夜色多么好,心儿多爽朗<br /> 在这迷人的晚上<br /> Everywhere is <strike><span style="color:#ff0000;">so</span></strike> silen<span style="color:#ff0000;">t</span> in the garden at <span style="color:#ff0000;">midnight</span>, (&quot;silent&quot; is an absolute adjective and doesn&#39;t need &quot;so&quot; to intensify it)<br /> Only the wind is singing lightly.<br /> The views of the night are so beaut<span style="color:#ff0000;">iful</span>, my heart is so <strike>comfortable</strike>&nbsp;(you can say &quot;my heart is so content&quot;, or &quot;my heart feels so warm&quot;)<br /> How charming <span style="color:#ff0000;">an</span> evening it is.<br /> <br /> <br /> 小河静静流微微泛波浪<br /> 水面映着银色月光<br /> 一阵清风,一阵歌声<br /> 多么幽静的晚上<br /> The river <strike>is flowing slowly and in jublilation</strike>&nbsp;is flowing in delicate waves<br /> The water<span style="color:#ff0000;">&#39;s</span> face is reflecting the silver moonlight<br /> Only the light wind, only the beautiful songs<br /> How silent <span style="color:#ff0000;">a</span> night it is.<br /> </p>
4 de fevereiro de 2014
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