Korean Tag and Chase Games At elementary school, I often played some tag and chase games with classmates such as Sugeon Doligi(수건돌리기, Running with a towel), Kkorijopgi(꼬리잡기, Tail-catching), and Mugung-hwa-kkot-i-pieot-seup-ni-da(무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다, The rose of sharon has bloomed). In Sugeon Doligi, chosen it puts towel behind other player, and try to go round the circle and tag the player, if he is tagged he has to sit on the center of circle. But if he notice the towel behind before getting tagged, he has to hold the towel, then he becomes it and chase the former it. If the former it is tagged, the former it sit on the center. However, if the former it is not tagged and safely go round the circle and sit on position of the next it, by the same token, the next it should put towel behind other person and has to sit on the empty position before getting taged. At the end of the game players are in the circle have to dance and sing. In Kkorijopgi, players are divided in two rows, and they hold their team's players clothes or waist one after the other. Each player who are far in front of each row becomes heads(Meori), and each player at the far back of the rows become tails(Kkori). When the games starts with a signal, the heads have to tag tails, the team who first tagged tail of the opponent team becomes wins the game, but if the row is disconnected, they lose the game. The Mu-gung-hwa-kkot means rose of sharon. Players choose it by rock-paper-scissors and draw line on the floor away from the wall. The it goes to the wall face the wall and other players get ready behind the line. It says Mu-gung-hwa-kkot-i-pieot-seup-nida, then turns the head around. Other players move toward it and freeze when it turns the head until it face the wall again. If one of them suceed to tag it, they can run back to the start line before it tag them first. If a player is caught before going back to the line, he becomes it to the next game. However, if one of them is caught moving when it turned around, the person links their hands with it and if there's another one caught moving, he links his hands with the person who was caught before. They should link their hands together until other players come to disconnect link between it and the person who was first caught. When the link is disconnected, they can go back to the start line and start the game again. If the link stays stays intact and other players are all caught moving, they play rock-paper-scissors to choose next it.
28 de ago de 2014 10:08