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着急和担心有什么区别? 着急和担心有什么区别?
19 de dez de 2011 09:40
Respostas · 12
担心 in other words is 不放心. (放心 means to rest assured.) 担 is to carry sth on your shoulder. Carrying your heart on your shoulder means that you are not calm, you feel worried and concerned, you fear that sth unfavorable might happen. A similar word, 提心吊胆, to hold your heart in your hand and hang your gallbladder, is aparently much worse than 担心. 提心 is about being worried, 吊胆 is about being frightened (胆小 means timid, 胆大 means bold) . So together it means you are filled with anxiety and haunted with fear. 着急 means you are being very impatient, you can't wait for sth to happen or wait to do sth. You feel anxious, eager, keen.
21 de dezembro de 2011
着急is more like "anxious" in English. 担心means worry、worried. 别着急! =Don't be anxious. or=Take your time! 别担心! =Don't worry! or Don't be worried. 别担心我。 = Don't worry about me ! 别着急我**** This is a wrong expression."着急"only can be adj.
19 de dezembro de 2011
举个例子吧 我很担心你(right) 我很着急你(wrong) 别着急,我马上处理这件事。(right) 别担心,你会慢慢好起来的。(right)
19 de dezembro de 2011
着急  意为:1.焦躁不安。 2.赶紧。   词意:形容焦躁不安,十分心急: 担心 一般发生了什么不好的事情或者有某种不好的预感的时候人就会很不安。比如下暴雨时,担心孩子怎么回家,会不会淋湿。
23 de dezembro de 2011
20 de dezembro de 2011
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