Revised question: What is the difference between 'at run-time' and 'in run-time'?
The term 'run-time' (run time, runtime) is very frequently used in IT field, to referred to the lifecycle phase of a system.
There are two usages about it: 'at run-time' and 'in run-time', It appears each is common, for example:
"The image not showing on web page *at* runtime."
"How to translate your web page *in* runtime"
According to the search engine results, the uses of 'in runtime' : 'at runtime' = 1.26
From my reading, the two usages have no any clearly different meaning.
So, is both of them correct?
The words such as 'in', 'on', 'at', and 'for' to 'time' are alway with much confusion for me.