[Usuário desativado]
What does NKVD stand for in Russian? I know it is the secret police, but what is the whole title in Russian?
21 de out de 2012 02:44
Respostas · 8
НКВД - Народный Комиссариат Внутренних Дел Peoples Ministry of Interior Affairs or National Deparment of Interior Affairs
21 de outubro de 2012
Нет не верно.... НКВД - Народный контроль в действии.
21 de outubro de 2012
NKVD = Narodny Kommisariat Vnutrennikh Del
21 de outubro de 2012
It was the russian Secret Service. My country had a lot of revolution in 21th century. And if you have had another opinion - you have had a bit of trouble. They killed plenty people in Soviet Union because our government has hated all people with another opinion. Do you remember about the civil war in US, when brother could kill brother? They killed people because they believed that it was correct.
22 de outubro de 2012
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