白书林 Joshua
When do I use 量词? Do I only use 量词 (counter word) for 一? Or for all numbers? Ex: 一座山, 二座山,三座山?
7 de mar de 2013 04:56
Respostas · 10
for all numbers and sometimes demonstrative pronoun 一座山,2个人,三朵花,4栋房子 那个人,这辆车 ect
7 de março de 2013
“量词” is confusing even to some Chinese child
25 de maio de 2013
sometimes we do not use 量词 for numbers if the word is a noun.e.g.三轮车 双人床 double bed 双means two. e.g三人行必有我师 a chinese old saying.e.g. if you booked a ticket for one person.how much for one person? 一人多少钱?or 一个人多少钱?are both ok
11 de maio de 2013
all numbers including 一 u must use 量词 furthremore, for 许多(some) and other words like this u must use 量词 too
7 de março de 2013
yes what you said is right.一个苹果 两个苹果 三个苹果is like one apple two apples three apples.and the only way to handle them is accumulating.good luck~
7 de março de 2013
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