how to say in korean " i'll work hard, so please take care of me" Ireubeun anyeong haesseyo ( 안녕하세요) Please help me to translate this sentence in to korean " i'll work hard, so please take care of me". Camsahamnida (감사합니다).
25 de mai de 2013 19:05
Respostas · 4
First I suggest you to use korean alphabet, both reading and learning korean, not romanization. As for your question "i'll work hard, so please take care of me", 열심히 일하겠습니다. 잘 부탁드립니다. If you don't know how to read hangul, use google translate to speak it for you.열심히%20일하겠습니다.%20잘%20부탁드립니다.
25 de maio de 2013
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