”谢谢你的...“? 谢谢你的... - 关心 - 关怀 - 关注 - 心事 怎么说比较好?
23 de jun de 2013 16:08
Respostas · 11
12 de agosto de 2013
25 de junho de 2013
I also think "关心“is better, but it often not be used offen as it's a little offical, you may also say:"谢谢你关心我。in Chinese we use verb more often than noun, as our teacher told us. :P
24 de junho de 2013
a slight digression, if saying good-bye to ex boy friend : " 謝謝你的愛 " " 謝謝你曾經給我的愛 "
24 de junho de 2013
l think both 关心 and 关注 are right. But they're used in different situation. If someone cares for you, you can say 谢谢你的关心。 If someone pays attention to you, like he follows you on italki. You can say 谢谢你的关注。
24 de junho de 2013
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