what's the differentce between often, usually,and always ?
17 de jun de 2008 02:00
Respostas · 2
Hello Helen, often: for something that happens or one does frequently ,but not on a regular basis . We often go to this restaurant; they serve great food. usually: for something that happens or one does as a habit ,so it is more regular and predictable. He usually spends his vacation in Italy with his friends. always: for something that happens or one does in any case. Whatever happens , he always arrives at time .
17 de junho de 2008
hi , you can simply consider these percentage below as kind of help to never forget the difference : often for something u do 60 % usually for something u do 80 % always for something u do 100% and it is exactely what cherry explained before .
19 de junho de 2008
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