como se pronuncia en frances te quiero
22 de jun de 2008 21:27
Respostas · 2
Hello Lulita ! Sorry I can't speak Spanish, but I will try to answer, assuming that you can speak English. Well, firstly, "te quiero" = "je t'aime". In fact, "je aime" = "I love" = "quiero" and " t' " = "you" = "te". As concerns the pronunciation, le /je/ (I mean the sound) is similar to the /je/ in /Jesus/ ( English pronunciation) but the /e/ is closed. The /t'ai/ is similar to the spanish /te/ but is more open. Finally, the /me/ is similar to /m/. We say that the /e/ is mute : we don't hear neither pronounce it. I hope it was useful to you. By the way, you could find a better answer by listening music. I guess it should not be that hard to find a song with these words inside.
23 de junho de 2008
On dit = Je t'aime (du verbe: aimer) :) Pour la prononciation = je t'ème.
23 de junho de 2008
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