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what's the difference between "I am thinking of you" and "I miss you"? For example, when a man and a woman like each other, which setence should they use on the phone?
14 de jan de 2014 06:03
Respostas · 6
think -- brain miss -- heart
15 de janeiro de 2014
You can say either but as David says "I miss you" is for when you are apart from each other. "I'm thinking of you" can have a less intimate meaning too. If you hear someone's brother died, or has been diagnosed with a serious disease, or they are just going through a difficult time for any reason you can say "I'm thinking of you" to indicate you know about their situation and care.
14 de janeiro de 2014
'I am thinking of you' has a more positive connotation. 'I miss you' typically means that someone is sad that the other person is not there, whereas if you are thinking of them you might be happy, but still care about them. I prefer to hear (and say) 'I am thinking of you' (although I might say 'I miss you' if it's true).
14 de janeiro de 2014
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