How do you type accented letters with a US keyboard? Has anyone found an easy way to type accented letters in iTalki with a US keyboard? I know the "ALT+" keystrokes, but those don't seem to work here, and all the virtual keyboard provides is the "ñ". Does anyone have an easy way of typing accented As, Es, etc?
7 de ago de 2014 01:45
Respostas · 7
Hola, Ben, esta es la explicación que he dado anteriormente a algunos amigos para conseguir esto. Es la mejor manera que conozco: ★ Tildes en las vocales y letra Ñ ____________ 1. Asegúrate de que tu teclado esté en Inglés Internacional. Esto lo puedes comprobar en Panel de Control → Configuración regional y aquí buscas el teclado y su configuración. 2. Cuando lo tengas así, lo único que tienes que hacer es presionar la tecla ALT Derecha (con la Izquierda no funciona) y luego la tecla "n" y te saldra "ñ". De igual manera para las tildes de las vocales (a, e, i, o, u), ALT Derecha + la vocal. Y para las mayúsculas ALT Derecha + SHIFT + la "N" o vocales. Por favor, dinos si te sirve de ayuda, Ben. Recibe un afectuoso saludo.
7 de agosto de 2014
Alt + 160 = á Alt + 130= é Alt + 161 = í Alt + 162 = ó Alt + 163 = ú Alt + 164 = ñ and ALT + ´ + vocal
7 de agosto de 2014 They have a list accented letters and special characters used in Spanish. Keyboard shortcuts to type those characters are also provided by the site. :)
8 de agosto de 2014
hey! just an offtopic comment, I never imagined how difficult is finding a differente language keyboard. Im in Taiwan and all the keyboars you can find here has the Taiwanese input system which is widely different from the mainland china system. Also I went to some brands official stores like HTC or Asus to ask them if I can order a spanish keyboard, they say thats not possible :(
7 de agosto de 2014
Hi, try this solution in this web page if the "ALT+keystrokes" doesn't work, speacially in laptops: The solution is something old but it will work for windows 7 too There you will find the new combiantions for accented letters, the "ñ" letter and "¿ ¡" I have a Spanish keyboard and tried that option "U.S international keyboard" and it work, I can use the combinatios that web page provides for the accented letters. I hope this will help you.
7 de agosto de 2014
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