'in the most recent year' or 'in more recent year' I wonder if I am comparing the information of two years, what should I say : 'in the most recent year' or 'in more recent year'? Thanks in advance.
2 de out de 2014 20:12
Respostas · 2
You should say "in the more recent year." Because you are only comparing 2 years, you use "more." If you had more than 2 years, you would use "most." Also, you need to have "the" in either sentence. I don't know if that was a mistake in your question or not. In general, you need to have an article or possessive on singular nouns.
2 de outubro de 2014
If you are comparing two years, the later one would be 'the more recent year'. If you are comparing three or more years, you would say 'the most recent year'.
2 de outubro de 2014
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