Have "There has been" and "there was/were" the same meaning? For instance : There has been a dramatic fall in the sales of chocolate There were a dramatic fall in the sales of chocolate
26 de mar de 2015 20:51
Respostas · 3
There has been - implies something is still happenning. There was/were - implies that whatever was happenning has now stopped. In your example you should say "there was", not "there were", because the dramatic fall is singular not plural.
26 de março de 2015
L'emploi de was/were (to be past simple) fait référence à un moment précis dans le passé (yesterday, last week, last october etc. même si le locuteur ne l'indique pas c'est implicite ) cela veut dire que l'action est terminée, achevée dans le passé. has been 'to be present perfect) sous entend: jusqu’à présent cela veut dire que l'action persiste encore ou a des répercussions sur le présent. Remarque: Le present perfect n'existe pas en français pour mieux le comprendre on utilise des adverbes temporels pour situer l'interlocuteur dans le temps par exemple ( recently, this morning, today, this years etc.)
26 de março de 2015
"There has been..." tells us about the present. "There was/were..." tells us about the past (and only the past). "There has been a dramatic fall in the sales of chocolate" = and the effects of this can be felt now. "There was a dramatic fall in the sales of chocolate..." (you need to tell us when this happened) = this happened in the past. It's done and finished. It doesn't tell us of any effect on the present.
26 de março de 2015
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