difference between decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce? Id be more grateful if you could add some examples.
27 de jun de 2015 13:22
Respostas · 4
I'm JR in New York and I'm happy to help you improve your spoken English! If you need help, please add me / respond back! Hope to chat soon and become great friends! Add me on QQ at: 1990992857
28 de junho de 2015
27 de junho de 2015
I'd or I would (not Id). You can look up these words in a dictionary and find example sentences. Try Oxford dictionary online. Some dictionaries also have Usage Notes which explain differences. Just one everyday example: A store can reduce or decrease its prices. Proper treatment of an injury can diminish or lessen the pain. You can also use 'reduce' and 'decrease' in the second sentence, but a store does not 'lessen' or 'diminish' prices, probably because 'prices' is a count noun, and pain is a mass/non-count noun.
27 de junho de 2015
They are all synonymous
27 de junho de 2015
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