Difference between "excess" and "excessive"? What's the difference between these two words? they are all adjectives and same meaning, or still have some slight difference?
14 de set de 2015 03:52
Respostas · 6
"Excess" is a noun, while "excessive" is an adjective. The "-ive" ending is a standard Latin/French suffix for forming adjectives.
14 de setembro de 2015
"Excessive" means immoderate; more than normal. Example: He drinks an excessive amount of alcohol; he is an alcoholic. Example: He is spending an excessive amount of money. He is very extravagant. "Excess" means "more than a prescribed amount". Example: Each passenger is only allowed 20 kg of baggage on board the aircraft. Anything above 20 kg is considered excess baggage. Example: John and Mary do not want any children. They think that children are excess baggage in life. Example: Any excess calories beyond 1800 a day will make you put on weight.
15 de setembro de 2015
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