没有人知道:you had me at scrolling是什么意思吗? 这个问题已经提出两天了,为什么没有人回答呢?是没人知道吗?
20 de set de 2008 04:14
Respostas · 4
这个叫“play on words" (不知道中文怎么表达这个意思:-( ) 我们英国人喜欢这样换单词: 原来的说法: "you had me at hello" 意思是, 你说"hello"的时候你已经“得到”我了 后者 “达到”你的目的 这句话从一个叫 Jerry Marguire 的电影出名了 电影里的男人对他老婆不好, 后来她受不了就恋恋不舍地离开了他 (其实她心里还是那么的爱她老公) 过了一段时间那个男人意识到, 其实他也很爱他老婆, 没有她就不行。 结果他拼命得跑到她老婆老家去在很多人的面前表达他对他老婆的感情和爱。 说到一半他老婆受不了,哭哭地说 ”stop.....you had me at hello" 意思是, “停。。你没有必要说那么多, 你来找我已经足够了, 已经让我知道你舍不得我离开你 等等” 就这么愉快的结束了 (这个时候全电影院里的女孩子在哭,男人在忍, 不想在女孩子面前哭! 哈哈) 那,我猜, 你的朋友的意思是, “你不必多说, 你来("scrolling" 应该是指在网上)找我就够了。。等等” 但我能肯定他是在开玩笑因为他说得比较搞笑。 希望你能看懂我写的中文。。。实在看不懂的话,我建议你看jerry Maguire好了。
20 de setembro de 2008
我去了 Youtube,看看能不能找到這是在什麼樣的前後文之下說的,可惜找不到。接著我就用 "you had me at scrolling" 在網路上搜尋,發現在有些博客上有人引用了這句話,而內容都是在稱讚頁面在 iPhone 上的捲動方式。 沒有上下文時,漢倫說的當然有可能,但是既然 Julia 說這句話是 Steve Jobs 在展示 iPhone 時說的,如此一來,我覺得最重要的是要以此為前提來選出比較有可能的詮釋。 我知道漢倫有廣大的粉絲群。但若是他的粉絲為了替他加油,而忽略了察真,如此讓提問者得到了較不合適的答案,那這樣不是對 Julia 不公平嗎? 我並不是在和漢倫競爭,我說這些只是在為 Julia 著想。並無意冒犯之義啊,漢倫。
20 de setembro de 2008
I went to Youtube to see if I could find out in what context it was used but I failed. I then searched the net using the exact phrase and found that several bloggers quoted the phrase to describe how they were amazed when they saw the way the page scrolled on the iPhone. What 汉伦 provided is that he thought this phrase meant "You could reach me on the net", which is of course possible when without the context, but since Julia is asking about what "you had me at scrolling" meant when it was said at Steve Jobs' presentation on the iPhone, I think it's more important to pick out the most suitable interpretation for that particular occassion when there are more than one. I know that 汉伦 has got a huge fan base, but isn't it not fair for the requester to get a less proper answer just because his fans are so ready to root for him without bothering to find out the truth? I really think a more suitable interpretation for "You had me at scrolling" would be "I instantly fell in love with it when I saw how it scrolled". You guys can by all means correct me if I'm wrong and I would be very grateful. I don't mean to compete. I only said it at Julie's best interest. No offense, 汉伦.
20 de setembro de 2008
Hi Julia, 先看字面意思。 You had me 就是「你擁有我了」,亦即「被掳獲」的意思。 at scrolling 就是「在捲動的時候」。 英文講「你在捲動的時候就擁有我了」,用自然的中文表現的話就是「我一看到捲動就喜歡了」。 這可能是從電影 Jerry Maguire 來的。劇中的 Jerry 想跟老婆合好的時候說了 Hi, I'm looking for my wife,接著又開始講他們應該如何如何,最後她老婆說 Shut up, just shut up. You had me at Hello。言下之意,她在一開始聽到 Jerry 的 Hi 時就想破鏡重圓了。
20 de setembro de 2008
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