What's the difference between " include in" and "include into"? What's the difference between " include in" and "include into"?
26 de set de 2015 17:26
Respostas · 5
There are many phrases where both "in" and "into" may be used. For example, "Take that in / into consideration". In this example, "into" brings a stronger sense of specific and concrete action, whereas "in" is more often associated with a state. For "include into" however, the word "include" already has the sense of "put into", so using "into" sounds redundant. Therefore people don't use "include into" as much.
26 de setembro de 2015
I can't think of a single context where we would ever say 'include into.'
26 de setembro de 2015
I've never heard "include into" used.
26 de setembro de 2015
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