レッスン は ありがとう ございました。 Is this the correct particle? Do I even need a particle? Thank you very much for the lesson. If I don't need a particle to mark the subject, then can you explain why not. Thank you :-)
19 de abr de 2016 04:00
Respostas · 1
You should use "を" instead of "は" in your sentence. So "レッスンをありがとうございました。" is correct sentence. We usually put "は" after a noun if it is the subject. But in this case, レッスン is object. So you need to put "を" after the noun. And sometimes, we omit the particle "を" such as "レッスン、ありがとうございました". Because we can understand that レッスン is objective in this sentence.
19 de abril de 2016
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