For vacation or For a vacation? It seems I should say 'I usually go to the seaside for a holiday'. Then how about 'vacation'? Thanks!
5 de mai de 2016 15:07
Respostas · 5
Whether you're using the US term 'vacation' and or the GB term 'holiday', both words function in the same way. 'On vacation' and 'on holiday' are set phrases, like 'at home' or 'at work', and there is no article. If you use any other preposition, you need an article or other determiner (a,the, my,this etc) - 'for a vacation', 'without a vacation', and so on.
5 de maio de 2016
We also say "going on a vacation" here in the US
5 de maio de 2016
'I usually go to the seaside for a holiday'. 'I usually go to the seaside for vacation.' Sound perfectly fine to me. Another way to say it is: 'Take a vacation', 'Taking vacation' Examples: 'Every year I take a vacation to Hawaii.' or 'This year I'm taking a vacation to France.'
5 de maio de 2016
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