Learner SC
中文 - I don't mind, I don't care 我不介意 我不在意 Do these two expressions carry the same meaning in Chinese?
22 de mai de 2016 23:13
Respostas · 16
两句话的意思是不同的。 我不介意 = "没问题,我不会不高兴" 我不在意 = "我根本不会留意, 根本不会有什么感觉的"
23 de maio de 2016
When you don't care something use 我不在意。That means nothing is important to you ,you are not interested in it! But when you say 我不介意。maybe you care.but it's ok for you. For example, If in a relationship, my bf may say "我不介意",but he still love me and care about me. But if he say "我不在意“,he doesn't care and he doesn't love me any more. That's the difference,hope it helps.
23 de maio de 2016
Hi Learner SC 我不介意 I don't mind if you did sth. Would you mind if I opened the window? Please go ahead. 你介意我开窗吗?我不介意 我不在意 I don't care if you come or not. 我不在意你来不来。 我没在意 I didn't pay attention to what you said. 我没在意你说了什么。 Hope that helps you. Thank you for your review on my essay.
23 de maio de 2016
They have similar meaning but the word feeling ( 語感) is completely different, and the usage is context dependent. I don't mind = 我不介意 I don't care = 我不在乎 / 我不管 在意 have similar meaning with 在乎, the usage is based on context. Basically, 在意 is usually refer to something/someone that catch your attention, 在乎 give a much stronger feeling that you really care.
23 de maio de 2016
No, actually the meanings are quite different. "我不介意” means I don't mind, "我不在意” is more like "I don't care."
23 de maio de 2016
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