the difference between people & evil what is the difference between humain , evil and angel????
3 de dez de 2008 09:38
Respostas · 7
I think there is no difference between the evil and angel , it is decided just in a second, the thought in the second!
4 de dezembro de 2008
There is two personifications : Devil personifies the badness and the Angel personifies the goodness; we can’t say there is a difference between human being and these two, because we are made from light and darkness so, as Choutte said they there are in our inner.
3 de dezembro de 2008
[sorry for double posting: browser default]
3 de dezembro de 2008
From my point of view, I'd explain it like this: good and evil, angel and devil are both two different opposite complementary equipotent aspects of human inner nature.
3 de dezembro de 2008
hello! sure for me ,good and evil are two parts of human nature! but for angels ther's devil's angels and god's angels ! but ther's sure no human angel!
3 de dezembro de 2008
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