low hanging fruit 的中文 英语有一个谚语叫 That is low hanging fruit 。 他大概的意思是,有一些措施,很容易可以做而且后果又好,又大。 It is very easy to fill your stomach with low hanging fruit right, no need to climb up a tree to pick it. 中文有类似的说法或者成语。 谢谢。
23 de mar de 2017 02:24
Respostas · 9
唾手可得   tuò shǒu kě dé   “唾手可得”是一个成语,一般成语词典中都收有这个词条。唾手,意为往手上吐唾沫。唾手可得,就是动手就可取得的意思,比喻非常容易得到,亦作“唾手可取”。语本《后汉书·公孙瓒传》李贤注引《九州春秋》:“瓒曰:‘始天下兵起,我谓唾掌而决。’”《新唐书·禇遂良传》:“但遣一二慎将,付锐兵十万,翔旝云輣,唾手可取。”明冯梦龙《东周列国志》第七十回:“灵王自谓天下可唾手而得,日夜宴息于章华之台,欲谴使至周,求其九鼎,以为楚国之镇。”   垂手可得   chuí shǒu kě dé   “垂手而得”也是成语,意思是垂着双手就可以得到,形容得来容易,不费一点力气,”。《水浒全传》第五十八回:“众人再商议救孔明之计,吴用道:‘只除教呼延灼将军赚开城门,垂手可得!更兼绝了呼延灼将军念头。’”毛泽东《和英国记者贝特兰的谈话》:“如果说过去日寇差不多不费一点气力垂手而得东四省,现在就非经过血战不能占领中国的土地了。”   “垂手可得”或“唾手可得”都是形容很易得到的意思,两字都不影响“可得”的基本语义。如果用“垂手”,当然是说双手垂下,指明不用动皒,毫不费力就可以得到了;如果用“唾手”,则不是强调不必动手了,而是说往手上吐口唾沫,意指马上去干的话,便可即刻得到.意义上没有太大区别。“low hanging fruit”
23 de março de 2017
23 de março de 2017
后果 usually implies negative results or consequences brought by an improper behavior/action. For example, 偷东西的后果就是被拘留 (Consequence of stealing is to be detained)。If the result is good or neutral, you should use "结果"。 ”大“ cannot be used to modify 结果. it usually indicates size or scale of tangible objects. Just 结果很好 will do. As for your last sentence, it is actually a question. You need to add "吗" to indicate it's a question. for example, 中文有类似的说法或者成语吗?
23 de março de 2017
Hi, I guess what you mean is that do not need to make lots of effort and then you can get what you want. Is that right? If that is true, you can use phrases(成语) as below to express what you mean. 事半功倍,手到擒来,易如反掌,轻而易举 They are focusing on things which are quite easy and they will have a good result finally. The frequency of using by people is in order. I wish I can help you, thanks.
23 de março de 2017
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