What's the formal way to say "that sounds good" Hello. I need to reply an email to a professor. He said that he could help me to do something. I would like to reply to him with something like "that sounds good. Thank you!" But I think that's not formal. Would there be a better way to say that? Thank you!
31 de out de 2017 15:22
Respostas · 6
Just say any of these: 1. Thank you for your assistance. 2. Thank you. I appreciate your offer to help me. 3. Thank you for responding. I woyod appreciate your help. 4. Thank you. I'm looking forward to your help. 5. Thank you for offering to help me. I really appreciate it.
31 de outubro de 2017
"I really appreciate that! Thank you." By the way, "that sounds good" is not a natural way to respond to an offer of help even informally, as it lacks feeling on an interpersonal level. Informally you could say "I'm so happy that you said that"
31 de outubro de 2017
camille childress
If he is helping you with something, it is fine to say " Okay, that sounds great! Thank you." You dont have to make everything sound "super intelligent". I live in America and thats how I talk, in emails, to my professors. Don't stress too much about formal and informal because as long as you aren't using slang of ebonics you are fine. If you are clear and understandable (which you seem to be judging by the paragraph you wrote) that is the key to learning a language.
31 de outubro de 2017
Dan Smith
In the United States, "That sounds good, thank you!" would be acceptable in an email to practically anybody. I don't think there's any need to be formal. You're communicating agreement, you're communicating thanks, it's the thought that counts. I can't think of a real stock phrase that would be slightly more formal; perhaps "Thank you very much for your kind offer; I gratefully accept."
31 de outubro de 2017
Steve G.
For a more formal version of sounds good or for recipients that have English as a second language I use: That will be fine.
5 de agosto de 2021
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