Rain Yip
What does “doy” mean? You don't get a lot of “doy” these days. ——from the American TV Play “Frinds : Season 01 Episode 02”
13 de out de 2018 12:20
Respostas · 12
It seems to be an American word used when something is so obvious that the person asking sounds stupid, but it's not really used nowadays. You might want to take a look at this thread: https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/doy.1871852/ Hope it helps!
13 de outubro de 2018
I think it's the wrong spelling.. is it 'd'oh!'? But it's just a reaction word like 'wow', 'ah' or something. That's all
13 de outubro de 2018
Doy = No kidding! (old way to say)
4 de dezembro de 2023
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