English Grammar Hi Friends. what are the differences between typically and usually. Here is some context. Typically, the cause of Acid Relux is someone does not eat meals at regular times. Usually, the cause of Acid Relux is someone does not eat meals at regular times.
12 de jul de 2019 04:40
Respostas · 2
There can be a slight or subtle difference in usage between the two, but in conversation that difference is most often discarded and the 2 words are interchanged. 'Typically' is sometimes used when you are making reference to a 'type' or 'class'. 'Typically, kids hate doing chores'. Here 'kids' is a class of people/objects. I'm making the statement that this 'class' (kids) most often hate doing chores. 'Typically, criminals are idiots and always get caught'. I'm referring to the 'class'/'type' of people (criminals) and I'm saying this class/type/group are most often idiots. Now, in the above examples I could replace 'typically' with 'usually'. Meaning will remain the same, but I am not 'stereotyping' or generalising as much about a particular class/group/type. For instance, if I say "Usually, criminals are idiots" then I am *just* saying "More often criminals are idiots". If I used 'typically', I am saying this stupidity is symbolic of all criminals.
12 de julho de 2019
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