What if I call you klutz? Will you get offended?
17 de jul de 2019 13:23
Respostas · 5
If you said it in an angry way I would probably be offended. If you said it in a joking way I would probably laugh and agree (if we knew each other). "klutz" is one of those words that you can use without giving offence, if you're talking to a friend.
17 de julho de 2019
It is not a nice thing to call someone, though it could be a term of affection between people who know each other well. On the other hand, there are far more offensive things you could call someone in English! I would recommend caution.
17 de julho de 2019
It's one of those words that can be offensive or not offensive depending on context. If you said it to me jokingly, as a friend, then I wouldn't mind, but if a stranger said it to me or if someone said it angrily, I would.
17 de julho de 2019
Thank you,for your reply.
17 de julho de 2019
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