is this these sentence okay? Hi I want to right a letter to a company, which has asked me explain the skills I learnt in high school. I would really appropriate it if you would tell me weather these sentence are correct and give me some suggestions in this case the sentences: Acquiring calculation principle for conductor sizing. Familiarity with the various type of electric pipes
21 de jul de 2019 18:59
Respostas · 4
Hi I want to write a letter to a company, which has asked me to explain the skills I learnt in high school. I would be very pleased if you told me if these sentence are correct and gave me some suggestions in this case the sentences: Acquiring calculation principles for conductor sizing. Familiarity with various type of electric pipes
21 de julho de 2019
Thank you Tutor Zowee
21 de julho de 2019
Hi! You need 'principleS' - then it's okay, and 'types' - then it's also okay! Also Lorenzo is right - write a letter and 'whether these sentences'. Good work! Tutor Zowee :)
21 de julho de 2019
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