好像现在很多人在说“宅”.. 是什么意思 和“住宅”的意思一样吗, 还是可以动词?
22 de abr de 2010 13:44
Respostas · 10
宅的意思就是喜欢经常呆在家里(always stay at home)上网,看书,玩游戏。。。,it is an adjective examples:宅男,宅女,我很宅~ it can be a verb as well,for example,我今天打算宅在家里不出去了
23 de abril de 2010
宅 is another word for 冢 or home. Five thousands years in Chinese culture, no one will use 宅 by itself, it has to be grouping with another word or words to mean something. You always hear 宅 was spoken by people. I bet, they are non- Chinese or this question has been prefixed with answer. For example: Ms Courtney's answer is " always stay at home" . Here, she use more than one words, instead of the word 宅 by itslelf. I would argue, it means "always not stay at home" 他常常离宅". Moreover 我很宅, it is a colloquial, not everychinese would understand. I think, you already got the answer, "宅", the Chinese speaking people will not used it without grouping with another word(s).
22 de abril de 2010
我想 比較完整的字源解釋在這兒 諸君參考 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E5%AE%85%E7%94%B7 MR. WOZITOYA 說 五千年來 宅字不獨用 必須與他字構詞 此說 誤解了 漢語構詞由單音字到複音詞的歷史演變過程 宅字在古文中獨用 不勝枚舉 再者 漢字 "差一點, 差很多" 諸如 天大太犬 甲由申中 之類 家是活人所居之所 冢是死人所躺之處 一點之差 謬以千里矣
24 de abril de 2010
27 de janeiro de 2015
like stay at home
29 de abril de 2010
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