Which is correct? I`m going away at the end of january or in the end of january?
11 de jul de 2010 15:54
Respostas · 5
"At the end of January" is correct. The preposition is refering to " the end". It is not refering to "January". In addition, "january" needs to be capitalized.
11 de julho de 2010
my opinion: at-----------a point directly. appointed time in------------not a point. like the meaning of "during".
11 de julho de 2010
I'm going away at the end of January. --- This is the correct expression. At least in the United States. Here are some other examples that might help. I'm going away in January. I'm going away at the beginning of January. I'm going away in the middle of January. I'm hope this helps. And I hope you have a good trip! :]
11 de julho de 2010
Prepositions of time AT the end of January. (specific) - at the beginning of the month IN January (months) IN 2011 (years) ON Monday (days of the week) AT 3pm (times) ALWAYS.
11 de julho de 2010
i think both are correct
11 de julho de 2010
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