translation help please 怎么把老祖宗的话“嫁汉嫁汉,穿衣吃饭”翻译成英文谚语啊?谢谢
29 de set de 2010 07:53
Respostas · 11
嫁汉嫁汉,穿衣吃饭 我猜意思是: Marry a Chinese man and you will be well taken care of (for the rest of your life). 可是我不知道英文有类似的谚语没有。
29 de setembro de 2010
汉 means 'a man' 嫁汉 means 'marry a man' 穿衣吃饭 are the primary needs for people In the past time of China, most women couldn't get an eduction and a job to support themselves, the only way for them to survive was marrying a man. So 嫁汉嫁汉,穿衣吃饭 means 'marry a (good) man, live a good life'.
29 de setembro de 2010
我觉得这句话好像还有另外一种理解,家汉就像穿衣吃饭一样是天经地义的,就是说都是很自然的事情的,男大当婚,女大当嫁嘛~不知道是不是这个意思。如果是的话,可以这样翻译,To marry a man is like eating and dressing, which are quite natural。
30 de setembro de 2010
29 de setembro de 2010
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