Lan Anh
请问,“这” 什么时候说"zhei",什么时候说"zhe"?
6 de mar de 2011 10:27
Respostas · 14
“這” 要發“zhe”, 可是, 你聽過zhei 的音因為 zhei 有點像人家加上去個“一”。 比如我說: “這一個表” this watch, 人家說話的時候有可能把那個zhe跟yi的音混在一起, 變成 zhei 的音。 所以老實說, 中文沒有zhei的音, 可是你還是會聽到哦! :) Now in English: When you say zhe, you should be saying a "zhe" sound, but you would have heard zhei before, because sometimes people add an "yi" sound on the end. For example if I say this watch, it should be "zhe4 ge biao3", but if I wanted to say this "one" watch, it would become "zhe4 yi1 ge biao3", therefore the sound of the yi comes out. They get pushed together and therefore sound like a zhei sound. So, to be honest, there isn't a zhei sound in Chinese, but you will hear it when there could or might be an "yi" to add.
6 de março de 2011
7 de março de 2011
6 de março de 2011
普通话里zhe和zhei都存在。说zhei只在方言里存在是不对的。最权威的《现代汉语词典》都可以查得到zhe和zhei,而且还对它们的用法作了说明。 具体使用方法是: 普通话的口语里,‘这’单用或者后面直接跟名词时,说‘zhe’,如‘这’、‘这里’;‘这’后面跟量词或数词加量词时,可以说‘zhe’,但更加常用的说法是‘zhei’,如‘这个’、‘这样’‘这些’。
10 de março de 2011
8 de março de 2011
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