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Encontra o melhor professor de Francês online para ti

Encontra o melhor tutor online de Francês para ti: escolhe entre os nossos professores de Francês online experientes e obtém a melhor experiência de aprendizagem.

Aprenda Francês com o professor Gwendal.

36 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Professeur biologiste Français toujours de bonne humeur/French biology teacher always in a good mood Je suis quelqu'un de très patient et à l'écoute ! Chaque personne est unique et donc je m'adapterai à toute situation ! Nous parlerons de plein de sujets différents en français ! Je vous ferais également des leçons toujours avec la bonne humeur ! I'm a very patient and good listener! Each person is unique, so I'll adapt to any situation! We'll talk about lots of different subjects in French! I'll also give you lessons, always in a good mood! ¡Soy muy paciente y buena oyente! Cada persona es única, así que me adaptaré a cualquier situación. ¡Hablaremos de muchos temas diferentes en francés! También te daré clases, ¡siempre de buen humor!

USD 5.50/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Sylvain UNY.

33 Aulas

Sylvain UNY

Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Prof de français à Vancouver Je veux vous aider à parler comme un natif français et vous faire gagner en confiance car l'oral n'est jamais facile, mais vous pouvez le faire ! J'ai déjà aidé des amis en échange scolaire lorsque j'étais à la faculté il y a quelques années. I want to help you speak like a native French speaker and build your confidence because speaking is never easy, but you can do it! I have already helped exchange student friends when I was in college a few years ago.

USD 9.00/teste
Disponível 14:00 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Ian.

3,990 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Un prof sympa / Cinq ans d'expérience / Des élèves de tous les âges et de tous les niveaux 🇫🇷 Je suis devenu professeur de français il y a 6 ans, d'abord en travaillant avec des enfants puis avec des adultes. J'utilise l'anglais et l'indonésien pour me faire comprendre de mes étudiants débutants. J'aime beaucoup travailler avec des adolescents ayant des difficultés à l'école, et aussi avec des adultes pour faire des cours de conversation. 🇬🇧 I became a French teacher 6 years ago, first working with children and then with adults. I use English and Indonesian to make myself understood by my beginners students. I really enjoy working with teenagers who have difficulty in school, and also with adults doing conversation classes.

USD 10.00/teste
Disponível 14:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Matthias.

1,657 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Certified French teacher from La Sorbonne University in Paris, France with 15 years of experience. I customize the classes for every student depending on their levels, their needs, their interests and their objectives. I meticulously prepare each class using adapted and certified educational materials that I select for each student according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) standards accredited by the French government. Also, I constantly offer extra exercices and activities as homework in between classes upon request from my students. I offer not only general French classes, but also conversational classes for intermediate and advanced levels. Also my courses include a preparation for the official french exams : DELF/ DALF/ TCF/ TEF.

USD 6.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Precillia.

2,646 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês
Crioulo haitiano

Top 1% of Certified French community tutors - Un français personnalisé et adapté à vos objectifs. Diplômée du DAEFLE (Diplôme d'Aptitude à l'Enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère), j’enseigne le Français depuis 2018 à des étudiants et adultes. Ayant au cours de mes précédentes expériences travaillée dans le domaine du recrutement, de la formation et du coaching, je saurai vous écouter, identifier vos besoins et vous accompagner tout au long de votre apprentissage en vous proposant des outils adaptés à vos besoins et à votre niveau. Les cours seront effectués par le biais de multiples supports (vidéos, journaux, livres, articles...) Un accent sera mis sur l’oral car il n’y a pas de secret, converser permet de développer votre aisance et votre spontanéité.

USD 22.18/Hora

5 Professores de Instant Lesson

Temos professores prontos para dar uma aula para você imediatamente! Encontre um professor e comece a aprender.

BibleIELTSkids ...
Professor profissional

6,072 Aulas

SPEAKS :Francês
Oxford-trained university teacher: Bible, IELTS, Kids, Business, Programming, Role-Play
testeUSD 15.00
Akubue Stephani...
Tutor da comunidade

72 Aulas

SPEAKS :Francês
Experienced and Passionate French Teacher
testeUSD 5.00
Abdoul ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️...
Tutor da comunidade

2,867 Aulas

SPEAKS :Francês
⭐️unlock your linguistic potential : Become a polyglot in no time!⭐️🇨🇲🇨🇦🇺🇸🇫🇷
testeUSD 5.00
Aprenda Francês com o professor Patricia.

11.3k Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Certified IELTS(English)/DALF,DELF,TCF,TEF(French) professor with 15 years of teaching experience When one makes a decision about the work he will do in life, it is important that the decision be based on criteria that reflect his personal values, temperaments, experiences, and skills. My choice of teaching as a career was not made lightly; rather, it was the culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life and my education. I have chosen education as a career because I believe that education is perhaps the most important function performed in our culture, or for that matter, any culture. I wanted to be part of this noble profession, and someday to be counted among those in whom future preservice teachers found inspiration.

USD 12.00/teste
Disponível 20:00 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Eirini.

7,701 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Certified teacher for Greek, English and French. More than 15 years of experience. I have been teaching Greek, English and French since 2001. I have worked with many private schools and many people online. If you want to get a certificate or practice the language, I am here for you with patience and a strong willingness to teach you!

USD 5.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor ⭐  Charlotte.

3,809 Aulas

⭐ Charlotte

Professor profissionalid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Certified teacher - Fun and dynamic classes ! 🇫🇷 I am a very patient person, and can easily adapt. I like my classes to be relaxed and funny without neglecting the learning aspect which is extremely important.
I’ll be available at any time if you have questions. I'm originally a French P.E teacher. I complete another master's degree to learn how to teach French to non-native people. I have a lot of experience, and love to teach! I have been teaching French for more than a year, and it is an amazing journey !

USD 14.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor WAFAE.

2,074 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês
Árabe (Magrebe)

En tant qu'enseignante, je mets l’accent sur la communication, car je suis convaincue que c’est la clé pour apprendre et maîtriser une langue. Mes cours sont adaptés à vos besoins et à vos intérêts. Que vous souhaitiez améliorer votre conversation, travailler sur la lecture ou approfondir des points de grammaire, je suis là pour vous accompagner à chaque étape de votre apprentissage. Mon approche est flexible et personnalisée pour répondre à vos attentes, que ce soit en français, en arabe ou en darija. Mon objectif est de créer un environnement convivial et motivant pour que vous puissiez progresser à votre rythme.

USD 5.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor ☀️Camille☀️.

3,038 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

J'adore enseigner ma langue, peu importe votre âge ou votre niveau. Je suis très patiente et j'aime travailler dans la bonne humeur. J'ai une bonne culture générale, ce qui me permet d'avoir des conversations sur des sujets variés. J'aime instaurer une bonne ambiance dans mes cours pour mettre mes élèves à l'aise. I love teaching my language, no matter your age or level. I am very patient and I like to work in a good mood. I have a good general knowledge, which allows me to have conversations on various subjects. I like to create a good atmosphere in my lessons to put my students at ease.

USD 10.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Priscilla.

2,257 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

I'm a native french teacher with experience in teaching in International School. Je suis une professeure organisée et attentive : j'aime adapter mes classes à la personnalité de mes élèves et pas seulement à leur niveau. Je suis souriante, dynamique mais aussi patiente, je sais qu’il est nécessaire de créer une atmosphère agréable pour faciliter l’apprentissage et je veux faire aimer ma matière auprès des élèves. Je suis attentive à leurs efforts et j'aime les encourager. Enfin, j'estime être une professeure bienveillante et également franche et un peu stricte afin que les élèves atteignent leur objectif dans les meilleurs délai et avec le plus d'assurance possible.

USD 30.00/Hora
Aprenda Francês com o professor Luc.

5,123 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Certified and professional teacher since 1999. Worked in languages & Business schools, Universities. As a teacher, when a student speaks, I could summarize my approach as both friendly and firm listening. Friendly because I listen attentively, empathetically, and respectfully (I don't cut them off, I note errors or other appropriate wording in the chat). At the same time, I analyze all the mistakes I hear, whatever their nature, in order to ask for clarifications, correct them, and then propose an alternative. For students who want to improve their writing skills, I aim to bring out the unique writing style of each student by focusing on vocabulary, syntax, verb tense and mood, sentence structure, and grammar while providing timely input on approach and articulation.

USD 15.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Marine.

3,350 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Professeure de français langue étrangère Je suis une professeur passionnée ! J'ai enseigné ( i taugh) le français dans des écoles de langues (Alliance française, France Langue), dans des lycées (high school), pour l'office d'intégration et d'immigration. J'ai travaillé en France et à l'étranger ( Irlande, Espagne, Népal). Je suis une professeure patiente, bienveillante et je suis là pou vous guider et vous soutenir dans l'apprentissage du français.

USD 25.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Ines KALAI.

333 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Tutrice de français diplômée en langues et relations internationales FRANÇAIS: En tant que professeure, je suis organisée, à l'écoute et je suis capable de synthétiser des informations complexes pour les rendre accessibles à mes élèves. Mes cours sont dynamiques et interactifs, axés sur la pratique orale et écrite, et adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque étudiant. ENGLISH: As a teacher, I am organized, attentive, and capable of synthesizing complex information to make it accessible to my students. My classes are dynamic and interactive, focused on oral and written practice, and tailored to the specific needs of each student.

USD 12.00/Hora
Disponível 19:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Marion.

3,923 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Learn with a DELF-certified teacher with over 7 years of experience! 🏆👨‍🎓🙌 I started online teaching several years ago and embraced the new possibilities it offers in language learning :) I have a lot of experience working with (complete) beginners and it does not scare me, so whatever your level is, don't be nervous :) I am a smiling and very patient individual, and that is also true for me as a teacher. I've been told I'm calm and understanding during rough patches and if I can be of any help to you, that will be my pleasure :) I have experience teaching children, teenagers and adults online. I also have my DELF certification and can help you prepare your exam from A1 to B2, or we can work together towards this goal long term!

USD 20.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Julian.

6,681 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

My students told me I am very positive, funny and relaxing during the classes. I always teach with a smile and with positivity. My experience also helps me quickly locate the areas where students have weaknesses so I can find the best and quickest way to approach them.

USD 9.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Léa 🌷.

31 Aulas

Léa 🌷

Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês
Chinês (Mandarim)

— Daily Convo, Beginner, DELF A1-B2 Expert ☀️ 🎀 Who is Lea? 🦢 Native French speaker 🦢 Born and raised in Bordeaux, France 🦢 6+ years of teaching experience (online & offline) 🦢 Writer : Romantasy book. 🦢 Learned 7 languages (🇺🇸 🇨🇳 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇷🇺 🇰🇷 🇯🇵) 🦢 Graduated from Literature major. 🌷 Teaching Experience 🏹 Experience teaching to students of all goals 🏹 From beginner to advanced 🏹 Textbook classes 🏹 Speaking classes 🏹 DELF test classes 🩰What kind of teacher am I? ✨ Friendly (do not feel pressured) ✨ Understanding (not everyone has the same learning ability) ✨ Enthusiastic and patient

USD 6.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor ⭐Marie ⭐.

9,233 Aulas

⭐Marie ⭐

Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Bilingual French and English teacher with 22-year world. teach. experience. Boost self-confidence. I am enthusiatic, approachable and strongly committed to facilitate your learning experience. I deeply care about creating a friendly and safe classroom atmosphere in order to raise your self-esteem and confidence and make you feel comfortable to participate. It doesn’t take me long to determine your learning style and adjust my teaching methods to your needs. I’m also very responsive to your learning pace. My teaching style is pretty much task-based. I think you can make the most of our time together and learn more deeply if the activities we are doing make sense. My ultimate goals are to make you fully engaged in your learning and effectively progress while enjoying our language classes.

USD 15.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor KenZa.

5,138 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

let's talk with a native. :-) It will be a great pleasure for me to accompany you to practice the French language, we will practice at your own pace. let's get to know each other and I will listen to your expectations and needs. it is essential to show and benevolence during the discussion, I know that generally one can feel stressed, shy, to speak with a person in front of a screen whereas it is much better face to face. I fully understand these obstacles. I will help with pronunciation, correct if necessary, and active listening, the agenda will be updated weekly, please consider. Do not hesitate to send me a message.

USD 5.00/teste
Disponível 08:45 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Roxanne COLLAS.

990 Aulas

Roxanne COLLAS

Professor profissionalid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Learn french with fun My experience throughout both my extensive travels and my time in France can confirm my passion for language learning especially with young learners. While traveling around the world, I have created an easy and efficient method to learn FRENCH. I'm easily adaptable, able to alter my methods depending on what the needs of my students demand. I've learned enough spanish, english and vietnamese to catch the way I can help you to progress. (especially accent, pronunciation, tenses, grammar...) Be Proud of yourself and have fun learning a new language ! I know how Hard it is but it's nothing compare what it Bring it back to you !

USD 25.00/Hora
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Perguntas frequentes - Professores de Francês

Pronto para aprender francês? Reserve uma aula experimental com um de nossos tutores especializados em francês hoje mesmo e dê o primeiro passo rumo à fluência.