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Encontra o melhor professor de Francês online para ti

Encontra o melhor tutor online de Francês para ti: escolhe entre os nossos professores de Francês online experientes e obtém a melhor experiência de aprendizagem.

Aprenda Francês com o professor Nouhaila.

4,696 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Tutrice de français, experte pour rendre les étudiants nerveux confiants et à l'aise pour parler. J'enseigne le français depuis plus de trois ans et j'adore ce métier; ça me permet de mettre en pratique les compétences acquises au fil des années, mais surtout de partager mon savoir, de développer ma créativité et ma culture que j'enrichis sans cesse. J'ajoute toujours à mes classes des notions culturelles, des anecdotes et du vécu. C'est un plaisir de voir mes étudiants progresser et de les suivre dans un cadre convivial, afin qu'ils prennent confiance et qu'ils gagnent en aisance.

USD 5.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor sawsane iris.

262 Aulas

sawsane iris

Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês
Árabe (Magrebe)
Árabe (padrão moderno)

Professeure certifiée avec 13 ans d’expérience et 4 ans sur italki En tant que professeure de français expérimentée, je propose des cours adaptés aux adultes ainsi qu’aux enfants, avec des activités ludiques et interactives pour stimuler leur apprentissage. Mes leçons couvrent la grammaire, la conjugaison, l'orthographe et le vocabulaire, tout en encourageant la créativité et la confiance en soi. Avec une approche bienveillante et engageante, je suis déterminée vous aider à développer vos compétences linguistiques de manière amusante et enrichissante. Experienced French teacher offering engaging classes for adults and children. Grammar, conjugation, vocabulary, and fun activities to boost learning and confidence. Let's learn French together!

USD 7.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor ⭐ Ichèm.

8,351 Aulas

⭐ Ichèm

Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

⚜️Professor from Paris-Sorbonne University⚜️ 🇫🇷 🥇Certified Coach for TEF TCF CANADA/DELF/DALF🏋🏆 If I were to describe myself as a French teacher I would say that I am a dedicated, patient and passionate supporter of my students 🔰 I never give up, no matter the challenge 🧗🏻‍♂️ I really believe in the extraordinary learning ability of the human being, so I always motivate 🎉 my students and try to find the best ways for them to achieve their best ! 🥇🏆🎯.

USD 24.00/teste
Disponível 13:00 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Lexi.

4,996 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

12 ans d'enseignement du français, toujours avec le sourire :) Je suis quelqu'un de très dynamique et souriant. Pour moi apprendre doit rimer avec bonheur et bonne humeur. J'aime l'échange et le partage dans mes cours. Je prendrai toujours soin de travailler sur des sujets vous intéressant ainsi que d'orienter mes cours en fonction de vos besoins et de vos objectifs. J'adapte mes cours à chaque élève. La meilleure méthode d'apprentissage est celle qui vous correspondra. Nous verrons ensemble si vous avez plutôt une mémoire visuelle ou auditive, ainsi nous utiliserons les supports les plus adaptés à votre manière de fonctionner.

USD 13.00/teste
Disponível 19:00 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Ines KALAI.

333 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Tutrice de français diplômée en langues et relations internationales FRANÇAIS: En tant que professeure, je suis organisée, à l'écoute et je suis capable de synthétiser des informations complexes pour les rendre accessibles à mes élèves. Mes cours sont dynamiques et interactifs, axés sur la pratique orale et écrite, et adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque étudiant. ENGLISH: As a teacher, I am organized, attentive, and capable of synthesizing complex information to make it accessible to my students. My classes are dynamic and interactive, focused on oral and written practice, and tailored to the specific needs of each student.

USD 12.00/Hora
Disponível 19:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Lucie.

1,475 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Française native résidant en Argentine depuis 5 ans 🔥 Depuis 2021, je donne des cours de français à des étrangers de toutes nationalités et de tous âges (de 12 à 85 ans!). J'adapte les classes aux besoins de l'étudiant. Le format de la classe s'adapte selon le rythme et les centres d'intérêt de chacun. La plupart du temps le cours est une conversation. J'envoie chaque semaine du matériel à lire ou écouter (articles, podcasts, vidéos...) pour proposer des sujets variés (mais cela reste optionnel). Je n'enseigne pas aux grands débutants (niveau A1) car je considère que je ne suis pas compétente pour enseigner efficacement les bases dont un étranger a besoin. J'enseigne aux étudiants de niveau A2 et plus.

USD 9.00/teste
Disponível 18:00 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Jeanne.

9,309 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Experienced teacher for adults and children, specialized in pedagogy. DELF and FIDE preparation. Hi! My name is Jeanne, I am 28 years old, I am French and I live in Lille (North of France). I studied pedagogy at university and I worked as a teacher for several years with children from 2 to 12 years old and Russian-speaking high school students who were learning French! I am patient, attentive but also dynamic and inventive to help students progress! --------- Bonjour ! Je suis Jeanne, j'ai 28 ans, je suis française et j'habite dans le Nord de la France. J'ai étudié la pédagogie à l'université et j'ai travaillé comme enseignante pendant plusieurs années avec des enfants (2 à 12 ans) Je suis patiente, à l'écoute mais aussi dynamique et inventive pour aider les étudiants à progresser !

USD 13.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Stephen Plouchard.

10 Aulas

Stephen Plouchard

Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Un professeur de Français natif simple pour des leçons simples et utile En tant que professeur je suis calme et pédagogue, comme je disais je ne suis pas dérangé par la répétition et en cas d'erreur ou d'incompréhension je pourrais vous donner des explications et vous aider a surmonter le problème. Je peux également m'adapter a vos besoins et par conséquent n'hésiter pas à me demander si vous avez des envies particulières en terme de sujet ou d'apprentissage ! Je ferais de mon mieux pour que mes leçons soient agréable et que nous échangions dans un environnement sympa !

USD 8.50/teste
Disponível 16:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Rachel Leduc.

6,705 Aulas

Rachel Leduc

Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Master Student in Teaching French as a foreign language I started to tutor here, on Italki, in February 2017 and am still here! At university I had the chance to practice teaching French a few times in a association, at Alliance Française and at the DEFLE (Foreigners majoring in French) department of my uni (levels from A0 to B2). I also had the opportunity to observe how lessons were given in a social center and a high school in a special class for foreign teenagers recently arrived in France. I offer informal tutoring (doesn't require more than 15 minutes preparation from me). The lessons are customized to your needs and goals. My students generally prefer to work on conversation practice.

USD 6.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Noémie.


Professor profissionalid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Native teacher of French, "NEW" to Italki but 12 years teaching French to foreign adults 😉 It all started because a Rwandan friend wanted to learn French to work in a school canteen. While helping her, I realized how much I loved teaching and building bridges between cultures! Since 2012, I've been helping over 250 expatriate adults to : 💬 Speak French confidently 🎓 Pass the DELF exams 😃 Discover French culture in a fun way! What have I learned? That mastering a foreign language is easier if: ❇️ you're immersed in a language-rich environment ❇️ you're guided ❇️ you feel confident ❇️ you have emotionally rich experiences That’s why I make sure you feel comfortable with me and my way of teaching.

USD 5.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Marion.

3,923 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Learn with a DELF-certified teacher with over 7 years of experience! 🏆👨‍🎓🙌 I started online teaching several years ago and embraced the new possibilities it offers in language learning :) I have a lot of experience working with (complete) beginners and it does not scare me, so whatever your level is, don't be nervous :) I am a smiling and very patient individual, and that is also true for me as a teacher. I've been told I'm calm and understanding during rough patches and if I can be of any help to you, that will be my pleasure :) I have experience teaching children, teenagers and adults online. I also have my DELF certification and can help you prepare your exam from A1 to B2, or we can work together towards this goal long term!

USD 20.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Chloé.

2,272 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Professeure avec expérience - spécialisée dans le DELF/DALF J'ai travaillé en France, en Angleterre, en Ukraine et en Pologne en tant que professeure de FLE. J'ai une licence d'anglais et une licence de Français Langue Étrangère. Je suis actuellement en train d'étudier pour avoir un master de Français Langue Étrangère. J'enseigne le français depuis maintenant quatre ans. J'ai de l'expérience avec tous les niveaux (A1 à C2) I worked in France, England, Ukraine and Poland as a FLE (french) teacher. I have a Bachelor's degree in English, and another Bachelor's degree in French as a Foreign Language. I am currently studying for my Master's degree in French as Foreign Language (that I should have in 2022). It's been four years since I am teaching french.

USD 14.00/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Romaissa Asma L.

11 Aulas

Romaissa Asma L

Professor profissionalid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Professeure de français certifiée plus de 5 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement J'ai commencé à enseigner le français en 2019. Mes cours s'adressent à tous : enfants, adolescents ou adultes. Quel que soit votre niveau actuel, si vous avez toujours rêvé de parler français comme un natif, travailler avec moi vous aidera à atteindre votre objectif. Mon expérience professionnelle s'est déroulée dans des écoles de langues pour non-francophones . Je travaille avec plusieurs méthodes et m'adapte aux besoins de chacun, mais j'aime toujours garder le plaisir d'apprentissage à mes élèves. Je favorise une bonne communication en les écoutant bien et en discutant avec eux. Je travaille l'orthographe, la grammaire, le vocabulaire, la prononciation et la préparation aux examens.

USD 8.00/teste
Disponível 16:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Aymen HLALI.

1,691 Aulas


Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês
Árabe (Magrebe)

Zero to Hero in French: Your Guide from the beginning! *I have taught different groups of ages and especially kids, which allowed me to be empathetic and understanding for the emotional world of children to improve their learning with confidence and motivate them to keep going. *I am a good listener and very patient with my students to deal with the same questions and difficulties. *I can be adaptable to your needs and your learning goals because I believe that everyone learns differently, whether it be faster or slower than normal. *At last, I am a friendly teacher who enjoys helping their students to make learning languages so fun!

USD 5.99/teste
Disponível 19:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Xavier Leroy.

143 Aulas

Xavier Leroy

Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

French Native Speaker & Experienced Teacher (4+ Years) - Online French Lessons (French & English) I can teach you French whatever your level or you age, and i can also help you to prepare some exam such as DELF or for help you to pass the interview for have a studying or working visa in France. Je peux vous enseigner le français quelque soit votre niveau, Je peux aussi vous aider à préparer des examens et pour votre demande de visa.

USD 7.00/teste
Disponível 10:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Iméne Bel (A2- C2).

9,271 Aulas

Iméne Bel (A2- C2)

Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês
Árabe (Magrebe)
Árabe (padrão moderno)
Berbere (Tamazight)

★Enseignante à l'université depuis 2017 et sur Italki "Water your FRENCH, LOVE it and it will BLOOM♥ J'enseigne sur ITALKI depuis 4 ans et j'adore. J'ai acquis de l'expérience dans l'enseignement que j'ai voulu mettre à profit pour les gens du monde entier. J'ai élaboré une méthode d'apprentissage sur différents élèves et qui a très bien marché. Je suis ouverte d'esprit,très spontanée et remplie de joie de vivre! En suivant mes cours, nous ferons la conversation en langue française, j'améliorerai votre vocabulaire et je corrigerai vos lacunes (orthographe,conjugaison,grammaire) en vous donnant parfois quelques astuces de mnémotechnique.Je suis ouverte à d'autres méthodes. ~Je vous invite à passer un cours d'essai pour que je puisse évaluer vos compétences.~

USD 7.00/teste
Disponível 18:30 Hoje
Aprenda Francês com o professor Radjoi.

2,699 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

I believe that I can detect obstacles and hardship that you may face as a beginner or an intermediate speaker and work on overcoming them. French is very particular language because it has three different registers that's why a lot of french students are enable to speak to natives or understand movies regardless their language level. Am here to help you authentic french spoken by natives to give you the boost you need to start really speaking and understanding any french speaker, by using daily life conversations and a lot of daily expressions that makes french much easier to you

USD 8.00/teste
Disponível 04:00 Amanhã
Aprenda Francês com o professor ⭐Anne⭐.

6,841 Aulas


Tutor da comunidadeid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

👊 Boost your confidence 💪 and learn through well-structured and customized lessons ☕️ I'm patient, friendly, and passionate about teaching French in a way that suits you best! My unique teaching approach ensures you quickly gain CONFIDENCE and FLUENCY in French conversations!🌐 🎯 My AUDIO-LINGUAL IMMERSION method 🎧 will help you to: ➡️ Handle quickly the basics of the language to be able to build naturally your own sentences ➡️ Memrise for the long-term frequent and useful sentences you may use in real situation ➡️ Practice actively your comprehension with short videos I select for you ➡️ Set a goal, track your progress and establish a powerful routine I will support you and teach you in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere ☕️. Just come as you are!

USD 29.90/teste
Aprenda Francês com o professor Benji Baqué.

14.5k Aulas

Benji Baqué

Professor profissionalid verified
Preparação para Teste
SPEAKS :Francês

Plus de 14 000 leçons données : rejoignez les 1 400 élèves qui parlent français avec confiance ! Experienced online French teacher with 14,000+ lessons taught. Teaching A2 to C2 levels to teenagers and adults. He is also a professional roleplay game master for students who want to practice their French in a more fun and imaginative environment. Students find Benji's teaching enjoyable and professional. Favorite French comedian? Haroun! Best movie? Les Tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine. Favorite artist? Julien Doré. Recommendation for a French-language channel? Arte! It offers a rich variety of cultural content, documentaries, films, and more.

USD 15.00/teste
Disponível 01:45 Amanhã
Aprenda Francês com o professor Valentin Greselle.

2,242 Aulas

Valentin Greselle

Professor profissionalid verified
SPEAKS :Francês

Come for the language, stay for the stories: Learn through telling me who you are. I've had the chance to work in a variety of institutions, including universities and language schools, from Spain to Sri Lanka, Canada and Vietnam. The diversity of settings I've worked in has taught me to be a flexible, open-minded and adaptable language teacher: nothing like facing 15 close-mouthed students from a culture you barely know to teach someone the importance of planing your lesson in accordance with your teaching audience, trust me! I'm a firm believer in failure and fun as part of any learning process, and my number one goal as a teacher has always been to make sure that my students always feel comfortable in class, whether it comes from the teacher or the teaching material.

USD 5.00/teste
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Perguntas frequentes - Professores de Francês

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