I have a new course for you to practice travel conversations in Japanese!
I have a new course for you to practice travel conversations in Japanese!
Sobre mim
Minha atuação como professor
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
De JapãoMora em Other, Japão (16:06 UTC+09:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 7 de Dec de 2021
Tópico de interesseViagemComidaHistória
Hello, I'm Yuiko living in Okinawa.
I also teach Japanese at a Japanese language school.
My hobby is traveling. I've been to Vietnam, China, Nepal, India, Korea, Combodia, Taiwan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Jordan, Syria as well.
I became a Japanese language teacher because I wanted many people to know and like Japan.
You can enjoy your trip more if you can speak the language of that country. Why don't you, who are planning a trip to Japan, learn Japanese?
I also like to play Japanese and Okinawan traditional music with an Okinawan bamboo flute.
I also work at a hospital as a sonographer.
I like talking with people from different cultures. I'm looking forward to seeing you!
Minha atuação como professor
私(わたし)は 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えることが 大好(だいす)きです。
教(おし)えることは もちろん、コミュニケーションも 大切(たいせつ)に しています。
あなたの レベルや スタイルに 合(あ)わせて カスタマイズされた レッスンを 提供(ていきょう)します。
目標達成(もくひょうたっせい)に 向(む)けて 努力(どりょく)することを サポートします。
私の レッスンでは、あなたが 考(かんが)えて 話(はな)します。私が 教(おし)えるだけじゃありません。「わかる」じゃなくて、「できる」ようになります。
みなさんと 一緒(いっしょ)に 日本語(にほんご)を 学(まな)ぶことを 楽(たの)しみにしています!
I love teaching Japanese. I value not only teaching but also communication.
I offer lessons customizedto your level and style, and will support you in your efforts to achieve your goal.
In my lesson, I will not only teach, but you will think and talk. You'll be able to do it, not understand it.
I look forward to having a good time learning Japanese with you all.
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
笑顔(えがお)で やさしく 丁寧(ていねい)に 教(おしえ)えます。たくさん 練習(れんしゅう)しましょう。
あなたの ことを 教(おし)えてください。あなたに合(あ)った 授業(じゅぎょう)を します。
日本(にほん)の 生活(せいかつ)や 文化(ぶんか)にも 触(ふ)れます。楽(たの)しく たくさん 練習(れんしゅう)して、日本語(にほんご)で できることを 増(ふ)やしていきましょう!
I talk to you gently and politely with smile in my lesson.
Please tell me yourself and what you like. I give lessons suitable for you.
You will also experience Japanese life and culture. Let's enjoy talking and practice Japanese and increase what you can do in Japanese!
Meu material de ensino
Slides de apresentação/PPT
Cartões didáticos
Jogos de perguntas e respostas
Arquivos de imagem
Arquivo PDF
Documentos de texto
Arquivos de áudio
Artigos e notícias
Japonês Aulas
Aula Experimental
12 aulas concluídas
USD 6.00+
Daily phrases ~Let's improve your basic Japanese communication skills!~
A1 - A2Geral23 aulas concluídas
USD 14.00+
Pacote com 8% de desconto
Japanese conversation.
A1 - B2Prática de Conversação116 aulas concluídas
USD 10.00+
Pacote com 20% de desconto
NEW!! Let's practice speaking! ~Aiming to be “possible”~
A1 - B1Geral0 aulas concluídas
USD 22.00
Pacote com 10% de desconto
Enjoy Travel Conversations in Japanese!
A1 - A2Prática de Conversação0 aulas concluídas
USD 22.00
Pacote com 10% de desconto
Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
14 Revisões
Nathan Kissoon
1 Japonês aula
17 de dez de 2023
Adam Beck
7 Japonês aulas
Yuiko is an excellent teacher and every lesson is really enjoyable.
8 de jan de 2023
25 Japonês aulas
I am a complete beginner in Japanese, the first lesson with Yuiko sensei was an introduction of myself and informing her of my long term goals. She is an excellent teacher, the lessons are fun and enjoyable and are at paced well. The lessons are tailored to my needs, and she is flexible with her teaching while still following a curriculum. All in all, she is an excellent teacher and I highly recommend her.
28 de nov de 2022
Adam Beck
7 Japonês aulas
I've tried a number of teachers at italki, and have enjoyed my lessons with all of them, but Yuiko-sensei is the very best!
13 de jan de 2023
Adam Beck
7 Japonês aulas
I really enjoyed my first lesson with Yuiko. She's very fun to talk to and she offered a lot of helpful tips for my first trip to Okinawa. Thank you, Yuiko!
6 de dez de 2022
1 Japonês aula
It was a great lesson!!!!
19 de ago de 2022
Aula Experimental
USD 6.00
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