De Bósnia e HerzegovinaMora em Mostar, Bósnia e Herzegovina (11:26 UTC+01:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 30 de May de 2022
Tópico de interesseAnimaisComidaHistóriaViagemArte
Hi! My name is Marko Vračević and I am 26 years old. I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Mostar. I studied Archeology and Art History at the University of Mostar. I like meeting new people, talk about different subjects; we can talk about whatever you would like to talk about and that way we are going to improve your language skills.
Zdravo! Zovem se Marko Vračević, imam 26 godina. Živim u Bosni i Hercegovini u Mostaru. Završio sam studije arheologije i povijesti umjetnosti na Sveučilištu u Mostaru. Volim upoznavati nove ljude, pričati o različitim temama; mi možemo pričati o čemu god budete htjeli razgovarajući unaprijediti ćemo Vaše znanje BHS jezika.
Minhas criações
Minha atuação como professor
It doesn't matter how well you know Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian or Montengrin, we are going to polish your knowledge and learn new vocabulary and sentences. If you already have good skills in these languages, but you are not sure about the grammar, or for any other reason you are scared, I am here to help. We are going to learn new words in an interesting and creative way.
Nije važno koliko dobro znate BHS, raditi ćemo na usavršavanju Vašeg dosadašnjeg znanja te naučiti nove riječi i rečenice. Ukoliko već imate dobro znanje, a niste sigurni je li gramatika točna, ili iz bilo kojeg drugog razloga Vas je strah tu sam da pomognem. Na zanimljiv i kreativan način učiti ćemo nove riječi.
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
We are going to focus on conversation, and polishing your conversational skills. If you need to practice writing, I am also open to do that. If we collaborate often, I am going to be able to follow your development and in that way, I will prepare interesting materials with words and sentences that we have practiced, and other interesting content.
Fokusirati ćemo se isključivo na konverzaciju,te unaprijeđenje konverzacijskih vještina. Naravno, ukoliko bude potrebna vježba pisanja - i za to smo otvoreni. Ako ostvarimo čestu suradnju, biti ću u mogućnosti pratiti Vaš razvoj i u skladu s tim pripremiti zanimljive materijale s riječima i rečenicama koje smo vježbali, te ostali zanimljiv sadržaj.
Marko is a natural born professor who clearly loves language and loves teaching---moreover, he has the ability to get students speaking it quickly. He is the man for anyone interested in learning the language in it's full context including; literature, music, art and humor. He's flexible and classes are always fun. I'm very lucky to have found him.
27 de dez de 2023
124 Croata aulas
Escolha do professor
I'm an English teacher myself and it was a challenge to find a great one.Marko is amazing teacher who gives detailed explanation to all your questions.The atmosphere is friendly and Marko adapts to your personal speed of learning which is extremely appreciative.The first lesson was really intensive and we managed to do a lot!Thanks a bunch!🙏
18 de set de 2023
7 Bósnio aulas
great lesson, as usual
4 de fev de 2025
46 Bósnio aulas
Escolha do professor
The lessons with Marko are the best - always exciting, funny and enjoyable. Although I only started learning the language six months ago, from zero, we can already talk - about anything that comes to our minds. You never run out of interesting topics with Marko, the conversation just flows. He manages to ensure that I can always express myself despite my limited linguistic means, waits patiently, helps in an empathetic and sensitive way when my language gets stuck.
Thank you, Marko, for all the lessons so far!
Lekcije s Markom su uvijek zabavne. Iako sam počela učiti jezik tek prije šest mjeseci možemo razgovarati o najrazličitijim temama. S Markom nikada ne nedostaje zanimljivih tema, razgovor uvijek teče. On osigurava da uvijek mogu se izraziti bez obzira na moje ograničene jezične sposobnosti. On strpljivo čeka i osjećajno i empatićno pomaže kad moj govor zastane.
Hvala puno, Marko!
23 de dez de 2023
Sam I Am...
2 Croata aulas
awesome from beginning to end
16 de fev de 2025
Szymon Łata
7 Croata aulas
Marko jest bardzo sympatyczną osobą co sprawia, że nauka jest bardzo efektywna
24 de jan de 2025
Aula Experimental
USD 5.00
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