日本語がはなせる!わかる!つたわる!Let's use Japanese in real-life situations in Japan with a certified tutor!/A1-B2
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日本語がはなせる!わかる!つたわる!Let's use Japanese in real-life situations in Japan with a certified tutor!/A1-B2
Sobre mim
Minha atuação como professor
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
Currículo e certificados
De JapãoMora em Niigata, Japão (04:52 UTC+09:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 29 de Apr de 2024
Tópico de interesseAmbiente & NaturezaComidaAnimação & QuadrinhosViagemSaúde
I am a native Japanese speaker. I was born and brought up in Niigata, Japan.
1人旅(ひとりたび)が だいすきです。ギリシャとキプロス、インドネシアに友だちがいます。
I love a solo-trip and have good friends in Greece, Cyprus and Indonesia.
【My favorite things わたしの おきにいり💖】
・おいしいものを たべること🍽
・テレビドラマを みること
・空(そら)を ながめること🌈
・自然(しぜん)の 中(なか)で、ぼぉ~とすること🌳
「すいか」「おいハンサム!!」「俺(おれ)の話(はなし)は長(なが)い」「コントが始(はじ)まる」「今夜(こんや)すきやきだよ」「My Mister (私のおじさん)=かんこくドラマ」などなど👍
「大い(おおい)なる旅路(たびじ)」(星野道夫さん=Hoshino Michio)
人(ひと)の 話(はなし)を きいて、記事(きじ)を 書(か)く 仕事(しごと)を していました。
ドラマや 本(ほん)、映画(えいが)の 中(なか)で、心(こころ)にぐっとくる ことばを みつけるのが だいすきです。🤗
Minhas criações
Minha atuação como professor
I think Ayako will be your good learning companion.
リラックスして たのしく べんきょうできます。
- I teach Japanese to the international students from Nepal and China as a part-time lecturer at the college once a week.
- I had been an assistant Japanese teacher in senior high schools in Indonesia for 6 months.
- I had online Japanese classes with the learners from Indonesia and Taiwan.
- I have completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course and have successfully passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test administered by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services in 2023.
- I had been a staff writer for a local newspaper for over 20 years.
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
It's not about using because you are able to do, but being able to do because you use it.
Perfect the basics to be able to actually use Japanese in real life!
・はなせるように なるには、にほんごの音(おと=voice)になれることが、まず たいせつです。
・レッスンでは、会話の例(かいわの れい=sample dialogs)を たくさん ききます。
・きもちよく はなせるようになるまで、すこしずつ、なんかいも くりかえして れんしゅうします。
-From teenagers to adults (A1-B2)
-For the learners who want to interact with the local people in Japan or want to study Japanese for fun.
-Basic Japanese communication skills for daily situations, for example, shopping, hanging out, or eating out, traveling, etc.
-Use the textbook as a basis to improve Speaking & Listening skills in practical situations.
-Feedback by pdf
Meu material de ensino
Arquivo PDF
Documentos de texto
Slides de apresentação/PPT
Arquivos de áudio
Arquivos de imagem
Arquivos de vídeo
Artigos e notícias
Jogos de perguntas e respostas
Modelos e exemplos de teste
Lições de casa
日本語教師養成講座修了証書 - ヒューマンアカデミー - 2024
Certificado verificado
日本語教育能力検定試験合格証書 - 日本国際教育支援協会 - 2023
Certificado verificado
日本語教育能力検定試験合格証書 - 日本国際教育支援協会 - 2023I have successfully passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test administered by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services in 2023 during taking Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420 hours and above) and have completed the course in 2024.
Certificado verificado
Experiencia de ensino
2019 - 2020
日本語パートナーズ国際交流基金日本語パートナーズ - Surabaya, IndonésiaI had been an assistant of the Indonesian Japanese teacher in high schools for 6 months.
Formação educacional
1988 - 1992
Do bacharelado - Faculty of Humanities 人文学部Niigata University 新潟大学Course of Culture and Civilization Junior high and senior high English teaching license
Experiência profissional
1992 - 2013
地方紙記者株式会社新潟日報社 - JapãoI had been an reporter at the local newspaper company for over 20 years.
2021 - 2022
特別支援教育支援員新潟市立沼垂幼稚園 - JapãoI had been an assistant for the child who need the extra care at the kindergarten.
Japonês Aulas
Aula Experimental
7 aulas concluídas
USD 8.00+
【Let's learn Japanese for Life or Travel in Japan from the basics.( A1-A2 ) 🤗 】Speaking & Listening, grammar
A1 - A2Geral59 aulas concluídas
USD 25.00+
Pacote com 15% de desconto
Free conversation B1-C2 (About Anime, Manga, Japanese TV series, your favorite place, food, Japanese gardens, local cities in Japan, your hobbies, your daily routine etc.)
B1 - C2Prática de Conversação25 aulas concluídas
USD 14.00+
Pacote com 15% de desconto
【Interactive lessons with Ayako (Intermediate, B1-B2 )】Speaking & Listening for expressing yourself and understanding each other
B1 - B2Geral10 aulas concluídas
USD 25.00+
Pacote com 15% de desconto
【Perfect the basics of Japanese for JLPT N4 & N3 (A2-B1) Let's review what you have learned by "Genki" or "Minna no Nihongo" and take the JLPT test!】
A2 - B1Preparação para Teste47 aulas concluídas
USD 25.00+
Pacote com 15% de desconto
Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
Minhas criações
Teste (27)
69 Revisões
11 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
A great Saturday morning lesson. Lessons are always interactive and can be applied to real-life situations. A good reminder to consider the best kind of drink to have with curry rice!!
27 de jul de 2024
36 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
Ayako-san is a great teacher! I had so much fun while learning. Ayako-san reminded me that it's okay to make mistakes and was patient and encouraging. Ayako-san also helped me learn more about Japanese culture. I learned so much in a very short time! ありがとうございます!:)
10 de mai de 2024
36 Japonês aulas
Today I got to speak a lot with Ayako-san! I am practicing sentence patterns so that I can speak more naturally. Thank you, Ayako-san!
8 de mar de 2025
36 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
Ayako-san goes above and beyond for her students! I appreciate that Ayako-san shares materials to review. Ayako-san always encourages me to keep trying, even when I make mistakes!
18 de mai de 2024
Eric Oliver
25 Japonês aulas
another day of learning.
11 de mar de 2025
Eric Oliver
25 Japonês aulas
Still learning..
4 de mar de 2025
Aula Experimental
USD 8.00
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