Francês professor Rachel Leduc

Rachel Leduc

Tutor da Comunidade
Chinês (Mandarim)
Árabe (Magrebe)
Master Student in Teaching French as a foreign language
De FrançaMora em Toulouse, França (08:26 UTC+02:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 16 de Feb de 2017
Tópico de interesseLeituraAmbiente & NaturezaAnimaisArteComida
Bonjour ! My name is Rachel, I’m a French Master student in Toulouse. My major is French as a foreign language. I studied for a few years after my baccalaureate and before my Master degree. I even went to Malaysia for a gap year! My first experience of teaching French was with a friend that came in France to study in the same university; we made so many good memories! A bit about myself : you can use any pronoun with me (they/she/he) I don't mind ! In french I generally use 'she' while speaking but 'they' while writing about myself. I'm also vegetarian. I don't smoke nor drink, that's why my knowledge about alcohol or flesh cooking is limited.

Francês Aulas

Aula Experimental
411 aulas concluídas
USD 6.00+
Informal Tutoring
A2 -  C2

Prática de Conversação

6,286 aulas concluídas
USD 7.50+
Pacote com 2% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
Minhas criações
Vocabulário (3)
Teste (1)

1,474 Revisões

Aluno Kylie
2 Francês aulas
Escolha do professor
A very pleasant and no stress first lesson! I found Rachel to be very easygoing but also attentive to grammatical details and pronunciation, even though it was an informal conversation lesson. Rachel’s calm relaxed manner is perfect for this style of language learning: zero stress as the conversation naturally unfolds. Brava!
10 de set de 2024
Aluno Susanne
2 Francês aulas
Escolha do professor
Ich bin absolute Anfängerin. Ich fühle mich bei Rachel sehr gut aufgehoben. Sie motiviert mich, zu sprechen. Trotz Online Unterricht korrigiert Rachel meine Aussprache und trainiert diese mit mir. Sie stellt Unterrichtsmaterial vor und nennt wertvolle Tipps. Rachel unterrichtet sehr wertschätzend. Ich empfehle sie sehr gern.
26 de ago de 2024
Aluno IMAD
7 Francês aulas
Escolha do professor
la séance avec Rachel était vraiment fructueuse. la qualité principale du Rachel est l'ecoute active. Elle me donne du temps pour parler et m'exprimer même si je ne trouve pas les mots justes, et elle intervient simplement pour m'aider à continuer, ses questions étaient claires et l'interaction tout au long de la discussion s’est déroulée avec fluidité. Merci beaucoup!
23 de ago de 2024
Aluno Pei
1 Francês aula
I liked Rachel's calmness while speaking with me and being patient with my broken French. She seemed very nice speaking partner with whom I could improve my language going forward!
17 de out de 2024
Aluno Danielle
2 Francês aulas
Great lesson. Rachel is patient, speaks slowly and explains things easily with useful notes.
17 de out de 2024
Aluno Kay Chua
Kay Chua
54 Francês aulas
Merci pour le cours. C'est une bonne idée de faire un exposé. J'ai dû creuser la tête pour trouver des mots que j'utilise moins souvent. Bonnes vacances à toi!
16 de out de 2024
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