I teach economics in uiversity.I would like to know new friends from all of the world.
Chinês (Mandarim)
I teach economics in uiversity.I would like to know new friends from all of the world.
Sobre mim
Minha atuação como professor
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
Currículo e certificados
De ChinaMora em Changzhou, China (20:12 UTC+08:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 8 de Apr de 2020
Tópico de interesseFinançasComidaMúsicaFilmesHistória
I am a typical traditional Chinese. I work in university. I like music and sports, and especially Chinese tea. If we could become friends, I would like to introduce Chinese tea culture to you.
(Ich bin ein typischer traditioneller Chinese, beruflich Lehrer, liebe das Leben, genieße gutes Essen und Spaß, mag Musik, Sport und chinesischen Tee. Wenn wir die Gelegenheit haben, Freunde zu werden, kann ich dir einiges über die chinesische Teekultur erzählen./Je suis un Chinois typique et traditionnel, enseignant de profession, qui aime la vie, apprécie bien manger et s'amuser. J'aime la musique, le sport et le thé chinois. )
Minha atuação como professor
I have a humorous teaching style, and I am good at using examples from life to explain language.I always creat a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere for teaching, I can speak English and German, and I have very good teaching experience and language learning experience.(J'ai un style d'enseignement humoristique et j'utilise souvent des exemples de la vie quotidienne pour expliquer la langue. Je crée toujours une atmosphère détendue et agréable pour l'enseignement. Je parle anglais et allemand, et j'ai une très bonne expérience en enseignement ainsi qu'en apprentissage des langues)
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
I teach middle level and advanced Chinese and also economics.
I also teach for Hsk examination.
(J'enseigne le chinois de niveau intermédiaire et avancé, ainsi que l'économie.
Je prépare également à l'examen HSK./Ich unterrichte Chinesisch auf mittlerem und fortgeschrittenem Niveau sowie Wirtschaft.
Ich bereite auch auf die HSK-Prüfung vor./Я преподаю китайский язык среднего и продвинутого уровня, а также экономику.
Я также готовлю к экзамену HSK./Enseño chino a nivel intermedio y avanzado, así como economía.
También preparo para el examen HSK.)
Meu material de ensino
Artigos e notícias
Arquivo PDF
Documentos de texto
Arquivos de imagem
教师证明 - 上海市教委 - 2014工作单位的职工卡
Certificado verificado
Formação educacional
2010 - 2013
Doutorado - 经济学上海财经大学经济学是看待这个世界的一种角度。
Experiência profissional
2014 - 2020
教师上海电机学院 - 上海, China一共教学超过一千学生了
Chinês (Mandarim) Aulas
Chinese Spoken Language Training(Chinesisch Sprachtraining/Обучение устной китайской речи/Formation en expression orale chinoise))
A2 - C2Prática de Conversação30 aulas concluídas
USD 15.00
HSK Chinese Exam Training( HSK-Chinesisch-Prüfungsvorbereitung/Formation pour l'examen HSK en chinois/Подготовка к экзамену HSK по китайскому языку/Formación para el examen de chino HSK))
A1 - C2Geral4 aulas concluídas
USD 15.00
Teaching of Economics Course(Unterricht des Wirtschaftskurses/Enseignement du cours d'économie/Преподавание курса экономики/Enseñanza del curso de economía/教授宏观经济学、微观经济学、计量经济学、政治经济学课程))
A1 - C2Prática de Conversação0 aulas concluídas
USD 50.00
Pacote com 20% de desconto
Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
29 Revisões
Philip Hallstrom
1 Chinês (Mandarim) aula
Had a good lesson with Andy. Discussed why he did not really like Kongzi and preferred Laozi. Then moved on to what faith is like in a Chinese culture.
17 de jun de 2024
2 Chinês (Mandarim) aulas
Excellent and to the point!
7 de set de 2022
Mikhaleva Daria
7 Chinês (Mandarim) aulas
The teacher is great at choosing materials. His lessons are always vivid, the content is up-t-date. Andy is great at helping improving speaking
26 de mai de 2021
Sebastian Freear
1 Chinês (Mandarim) aula
An excellent lesson with Andy today - thank you!
26 de abr de 2024
2 Chinês (Mandarim) aulas
Andy is a fantastic teacher...
- He is a model of patience and insightfulness
- His classes are very nice and he's an enthusiastic teacher
Looking forward to our next lesson!
4 de set de 2022
5 Chinês (Mandarim) aulas
Such an Excellent teacher
21 de mai de 2021
Preço por hora à partir de
USD 15.00+
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