Japonês professor Kayo


Professor Profissional
Chinês (Mandarim)
⭐️Certified and Experienced teacher⭐️️ You can learn general and formal Japanese.
De JapãoMora em Other, Japão (12:46 UTC+09:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 9 de Aug de 2022
Tópico de interesseFinançasSaúdeModa & BelezaViagemComida
⭐️Hello. I'm Kayo, native Japanese. 大家好。我叫佳代,日语老师。 ⭐️Hobby:Traveling and Learning English and Chinese. ⭐️Personality:Open minded, kind, mild, positive, patient person with a lot of curiosity. ⭐️I know well about Japanese grammar and living manner. ⭐️I can offer formal and polite Japanese expression.

Japonês Aulas

Aula Experimental
29 aulas concluídas
USD 10.00+
しょきゅうにほんご(みんなのにほんご しょきゅう1)/Basic Japanese for beginners (Minnano Nihongo beginner1) (25,40,55min)
A1 -  A2


76 aulas concluídas
USD 11.00+
かいわれんしゅう(じゆうなかいわ、よんではなす)/Conversation Practice (Free to talk, reading and talking) (25,40,55min)
A2 -  C2

Prática de Conversação

150 aulas concluídas
USD 11.00+
りょこうのかいわ/Travel conversation for complete beginners
A1 -  A2

Prática de Conversação

11 aulas concluídas
USD 11.00+
にほんごてんさく/Editing and Proofreading on offline(日本語添削)
A1 -  C2


0 aulas concluídas
USD 10.00


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)

30 Revisões

Aluno Zongshang Pang
Zongshang Pang
6 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
Learning with Kayo sensei is an excellent experience! Kayo sensei always encourages me to talk about various topics and correct my mistakes promptly. She also manages to come up with many interesting topics to talk about beside the essay we use for class. I have only taken three lessons from Kayo sensei, but I already felt much more confident speaking Japanese than before. 之前一直都是自学日语,很幸运第一次找老师辅导日语就遇到Kayo老师。Kayo老师会很温柔地鼓励你开口表达自己的意见,也会很认真并且及时的告诉你错误在哪里。课堂上除了教学材料以外,Kayo老师也会和你讨论一些别的你感兴趣的话题。现在为止上了三堂课,已经感觉到自己在讲日语的时候比以前自信了许多。感谢Kayo老师。
25 de set de 2024
Aluno Anastasiia Vydiuk
Anastasiia Vydiuk
14 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
Kayo Sensei is an exceptional teacher who consistently provides a personalized approach to each lesson. She goes above and beyond to tailor the material to match my interests, ensuring that every session is engaging and relevant. I find each lesson fascinating, and genuinely excited to continue studying and practicing with Kayo Sensei. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone considering taking lessons.
12 de abr de 2024
Aluno Erin Tang
Erin Tang
20 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
Kayo先生はすごくいい日本語の教師です!She is not only patient and kind, but she is excellent at teaching Japanese using a beginner level Japanese that I could understand. We practice every day conversations, but also read interesting articles that present new vocabulary so I'm not just practicing Japanese, but learning more. I feel like I'm in the classroom again, yet I don't feel pressured to be perfect because she's just so patient and understanding. Usually I get nervous before Japanese lessons or conversation practice because I don't want to embarrass myself, but I don't feel this way with Kayo先生. Please do yourself a huge favor and try out a lesson with Kayo先生、you'll learn a lot and feel great about it!
12 de fev de 2024
Aluno Ally
4 Japonês aulas
Kayo sensei, arigatou gozaimasu. I have learnt so much Japanese in such a short time of classes. I really enjoy the classes and it goes so quickly. Thank you :)
11 de out de 2024
Aluno Ally
4 Japonês aulas
Kayo is a wonderful teacher. I am so glad to have found Kayo as she has been helping me learn japanese for my trip to Japan next year. I have learnt so much during the one hour lesson and i cannot wait to continue lessons together. I really appreciate her kindness and she is so positive and happy. Kayo is very organised with materials to help create conversation and keep practicing. Kayo makes me feel comfortable to make mistakes and try again. Thank you Kayo :)
1 de out de 2024
Aluno Ellen Rowe
Ellen Rowe
4 Japonês aulas
My first lesson with Kayo was extremely enjoyable and very helpful! I will be sure to book more lessons with her for the future to help my Japanese! Thank you so much Kayo-sensei
23 de set de 2024
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