\I will resume the Japanese classes I teach in July 2024./
👀💡I have a 0 year old baby.
Therefore, the baby may appear in the middle of the class, and I may have to feed the baby while I teach the class!💡
わたしは かなえです。
日本(にほん)🗾の横浜(よこはま)に 住(す)んでいます。
わたしは 趣味(しゅみ)が 2つ あります。
ヨガ🧘♀️と Netflixを 見ることです。
いっしょに 楽(たの)しく 勉強(べんきょう)しましょう!
I'm Kanae.
I live in Yokohama, Japan.
I have 2 hobbies.
My hobbies are yoga🧘♀️ and watching Netflix📺.
Let's have fun learning together!
Minha atuação como professor
わたしは 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)える 資格(しかく)が あります。
日本語学校(にほんごがっこう)で 6年(ねん) 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えています。
わたしは N5〜N1まで 教(おし)えることが できます。
教科書(きょうかしょ)📚が たくさん ありますから いろいろな 教科書(きょうかしょ)📚で 勉強が
I have Japanese teaching qualifications.
I have been teaching Japanese for 6 years at a Japanese language school.
I can teach from N5~N1.
I have a lot of textbooks📚, so you can study in a variety of textbooks📚.
(e.g.「Minna no Nihongo」「Marugoto」「GENKI」「Irodori」「Tobira」etc…)
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
たくさん 会話(かいわ)🗣を しながら レッスンを します。
We will have a lot of conversations during the lesson.
Meu material de ensino
Arquivo PDF
Lições de casa
Documentos de texto
Slides de apresentação/PPT
Arquivos de áudio
Arquivos de imagem
Arquivos de vídeo
Cartões didáticos
Artigos e notícias
Jogos de perguntas e respostas
Japonês Aulas
Aula Experimental
26 aulas concluídas
USD 10.00+
【all level OK】フリートーク(Free talk)
A1 - C2Prática de Conversação115 aulas concluídas
USD 12.00+
Pacote com 17% de desconto
【 First class to middle class】 教科書(きょうかしょ)を使(つか)います。(We use textbook)
A1 - B2Geral190 aulas concluídas
USD 15.00+
Pacote com 34% de desconto
B2 - C2Geral112 aulas concluídas
USD 18.00+
Pacote com 23% de desconto
【20回(かい)クラス】教科書(きょうかしょ)を 使(つか)います。(We use textbooks)
A1 - B2Geral12 aulas concluídas
USD 16.00+
Pacote com 4% de desconto
Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
91 Revisões
YuHsin Chuang
27 Japonês aulas
In this session, Kanae-Sensei picked a topic about summer events in Japan - Fireworks festival. Quite surprised to learn that firework festival is such a grand event in Japan, which is very different from the summer fireworks in my hometown. Very informative!
22 de ago de 2023
YuHsin Chuang
27 Japonês aulas
Kanae-Sensei used how Japan ranks in this year's gender equality report as base for this session's discussion. It was informative to learn that while having fairly good gender equality in terms of education attainment and access to medical resources, Japan has been surpassed in areas including political empowerment and economic participation and opportunity. Very useful session where practical conversation can be carried out. Thank you, Kanae-Sensei.
26 de jun de 2023
YuHsin Chuang
27 Japonês aulas
As we are in December, Kanae-Sensei picked a very season's subject - 世相の風物詩. It was informative to learn about different common social practices, especially during the last month of the year, to conclude and send off the year.
12 de dez de 2022
YuHsin Chuang
27 Japonês aulas
Another interesting session on culture differences - using priority seats on public transportations. Always something for debate in Asian countries and it was really great to be able to practice conversational skills using such daily events. Thank you, Kanae-Sensei!
3 de jul de 2023
YuHsin Chuang
27 Japonês aulas
In this session, Kanae-Sensei introduced an news piece about perception over the need for extracurricular activities among students who are about to enter the job markets and those who have already been professionals for a few years. A very interesting discussion as outsiders are usually under the impression that Japanese society as a whole would deem extracurricular activities required. Many thanks to Kanae-Sensei.
10 de fev de 2023
YuHsin Chuang
27 Japonês aulas
In this session, Kanae-Sensei led the discussion about the news that twitter recently being acquired by Elon Musk and the implication behind Mr. Musk's request of long-hour working for twitter staff. It's always helpful to have conversation practices about latest news pieces. Not only did it provide an opportunity to brush up conversation capability, it was also a training to summarize and speak out my thoughts surrounding the subject. Many thanks, Kanae-Sensei.
21 de nov de 2022
Aula Experimental
USD 10.00
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