Japonês professor しおり|Shiori


Tutor da Comunidade
✨初心者〜上級者までOK✨初級、会話練習、JLPT対策、など何でも大丈夫!1人1人に合わせたレッスンを考えます🗣️全力でサポートするので、ぜひ一緒に頑張りましょう( ⋅֊⋅ ).ᐟ
De JapãoMora em Prague, República Tcheca (20:22 UTC+01:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 25 de Apr de 2024
Tópico de interesseComidaViagemModa & BelezaFilmesMúsica
🌱自己紹介 ・私の名前はSHIORIです。 ・日本の兵庫県出身です。 ・現在はヨーロッパのチェコに住んでいます。(日本帰国中 2024年5月〜10月) ・趣味は編み物、読書、旅行、(海外は10カ国以上訪れたことがあります。今年の夏は日本を旅行します🗾) ・映画鑑賞、テニス、ケーキなども好きです! 🌷私について ・会話することが大好き(休日は友達とカフェでケーキを食べながら沢山話します!) ・いつもポジティブで前向き ・人の長所を見つけるのが得意 ・人の話を聞くのが好き ・いつも面白いことに興味がある ・新しいことに挑戦することが好き ・やると決めたら、すぐに行動します 🌿どんな人にオススメ? ・楽しく日本語を話したい方 ・発音を学びたい方 ・自然な日本語の言い方で話したい方 ・日本人の友達が欲しい方 ・日本旅行を考えている方(旅行用のコースがあります) ・日本語を使ってたくさんお喋りしたい方 ・JLPTなどの試験準備をしたい方 ・ビジネス日本語を学びたい方(日本企業で5年勤務経験があります。)

Japonês Aulas

Aula Experimental
8 aulas concluídas
USD 10.00+
【はじめまして🔰】˗ˏˋ Beginner Classˎˊ˗
A1 -  C2


24 aulas concluídas
USD 15.00+
Pacote com 4% de desconto
【会話をしよう!】 Practice conversation⸜(ˊᵕˋ)⸝🤍🌷
A1 -  C2

Prática de Conversação

42 aulas concluídas
USD 12.50+
Pacote com 4% de desconto
【JLPT対策】N5〜N1💪 ・ᴗ・
B1 -  C2


9 aulas concluídas
USD 16.00+
Pacote com 4% de desconto
【🏯Nihon trip⛩️】˗ˏˋTravel Japanese ˎˊ˗
A1 -  C2


1 aulas concluídas
USD 15.00+
Pacote com 4% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
Minhas criações
Vocabulário (1)
Podcast (1)

14 Revisões

Aluno Andres Romero
Andres Romero
9 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
Shiori sensei did a great job assessing my current level and suggesting materials to study. We reviewed some JLPT materials and she corrected me when needed. She was able to explain words I didn't understand easily and so that I could understand. I will be booking future lessons with Shiori sensei to further improve my Japanese reading to hopefully pass the JLPT one day.
8 de dez de 2024
Aluno Khoa
14 Japonês aulas
Shiori-sensei seems to enjoy the lesson as much as me and can explain the material very well!
23 de jan de 2025
Aluno Andres Romero
Andres Romero
9 Japonês aulas
Shiori sensei’s lesson today was great. I feel she really does a great job explaining things I don’t understand and takes notes to help me review the lesson. I always feel that my time is well spent when I have a lesson with her and I cannot recommend her enough. 10/10 see you next week Shiori sensei!
29 de dez de 2024
Aluno Han Yin
Han Yin
7 Japonês aulas
Escolha do professor
Shiori sensei is soooo easy to talk to, love her smiles and her attentiveness. She takes for trial lesson very professionally and practically took notes on everything I said or tried to say and gave corrected feedback in writing. Super!
20 de nov de 2024
Aluno Andres Romero
Andres Romero
9 Japonês aulas
I always enjoy my lessons with Shiori sensei. I always feel like my time is well spent and I'm always learning new things. Thank you so much for your help. いつも役に立ってありがとうございます。
12 de jan de 2025
Aluno Andres Romero
Andres Romero
9 Japonês aulas
I had another great lesson with Shiori sensei. We worked on jlpt study materials and she was very well prepared and helpful. I definitely would recommend her lessons to anyone interested in improving their Japanese.
15 de dez de 2024
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