meaning of the phrase "a skip hop" Hello guys! Today i've stumbled to phrase "a skip hop". It was in movie, actually in cartoon named "Tangled", maybe you had watched this movie. So, all sentence was "Well, centuries pass and a hop skip and a boat ride away, there grew a kingdom". and I think it's somehow rephrased idiom. Anyway, can anyone explain me. thanks in advance.
2014년 2월 22일 오후 7:02
답변 · 2
It's actually "a hop, skip, and a boat ride away..." The usual idiom is "a hop, skip, and a jump away" and it means a short distance away.
2014년 2월 22일
I agree with Susan612, but this phrase is almost never used. I wouldn't even bother memorizing it to be honest.
2014년 2월 22일
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