To be down to earth. Hello everyone! Sometimes people call themselves down-to-earth persons. Does it mean simple, friendly and easy going or something more negative like one who doesn't dream or less spiritual? And what is your reaction when someone are saying they are down to earth? I am asking because in Russian it means one who is interested only in material things, everyday life, has very practical dreams and aims, doesn't think of philosophical issues like why do we live and if the God exists or not and so on. I feel the connotation of this phrase in English is more positive, isn't? Thank you.
Jun 27, 2018 8:23 AM
Answers · 11
In Iran it has positive meaning. It means someone who do not bother anybody.
June 27, 2018
Hi Natasha, When we refer to someone who is down-to-earth, we mean that the person is easygoing, practical, holds realistic views about the world and does not live in an ivory tower. This is the definition you will find in most dictionaries; however, it can have a less complimentary meaning beyond its literal or primary meaning (connotation). Example: A: "Many of Steve's juniors have climbed the corporate ladder, but he seems to be stuck in a rut." B: "Well, let's just say that he is down-to-earth." Based on A's description, we can infer that B views Steve as being content with the status quo and not setting lofty goals for his career. So, it depends on how "down-to-earth" is used in writing or a conversation. "I am asking because in Russian it means one who is interested only in material things, everyday life, has very practical dreams and aims, doesn't think of philosophical issues like why do we live and if the God exists or not and so on." Personally, I would use the word "materialistic" or "realistic" to describe such a person. I hope this helps you.
June 27, 2018
in india,down the earth means a person who give respect to everything, and able to suitable in every kind of situation. for example if a person help to power people, and be generous with them, we normally say that he is down to earth. in my point of view if you are kind with everyone it's mean you are down to earth.
June 27, 2018
I would say that it means the following... down to earth - sensible, friendly Hope it helps you
June 27, 2018
Usually "down to earth" is used when people are simpl, easy going and keeping it real. They are not complicated and are easy to talk to. It is a positive thing to say about someone. Hope this helps! :)
June 27, 2018
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